Happy new year! Hope everyone had a good hogmanay, and other non-international words that will surely confound 95% of my audience.

I’ve set up a old vote incentive archive, as per requests. The Extras link at the top of the page is now a dropdown, for future reference. Next up, an actual gallery with pictures and stuff in it! And then a new vote incentive, hopefully.

Never mind that last scene, I’m sure it wasn’t even important. And it’s been a while since we’ve seen this handsome devil. As promised, new vote incentive, and it’s the much in-demand sketch of Galak with his hair tied back. You strange people. It’s gotten SUPER cold here. I just know the Canadians/Russians/Scandinavians/etc. in the audience are rolling their eyes right about now, but my flat is very poorly heated so you can just all go roll your eyes right into a volcano. It started snowing this evening, so I’ve been forced to move my entire desktop set up (multiple monitors, office chair and all) into our living room because my room is too cold to inhabit now. It was either this or no new pages ’til spring, so… It’s working out well so far, except it’s made me painfully aware of how much awful wrestling my flatmates watch. It is so terrible. So terrible! Oh my god. It is awful.