Collection: Part One: Waterlogged
Quick, change the subject. She’s tired, she totally won’t even notice.
The page shuffling I mentioned in last week’s update hasn’t yet come to pass, I decided to put it off and do a bunch of extra content instead which’ll be retroactively inserted into the archive when it’s all done. I’ll be sure to mention that when it happens, but in the meantime there’s a work in progress version of a city map of Ashul as the new vote incentive.
Damn magic information crystals, always ruining the moment.
— I just realised that the three year anniversary of the start of Red Moon Rising passed quietly by last week without me noticing at all, so I’d like to belatedly throw some confetti and streamers around before getting back to work. *party popper*
I’m going to be messing around with the order of the pages throughout the week, so if anything seems weird or out of place or the page numbers are wonky, just bear with me. I’ve been meaning to shuffle around a couple of scenes near the start for ages now, plus I’ll be adding in some chapter pages and other content to the archive so that should be cool! It’ll also inflate the page numbers, so don’t be alarmed if this shifts from page 254 to page 260-something. Hopefully this’ll be worth the hassle it’ll be causing any new readers coming in.
Speaking of which, hey to the new readers! There seems to have been a lot of you recently and I can’t seem to figure out where you’re coming from, but hey regardless!
Hug deployed, target neutralised.
— Awesome fanart this week, thanks to Iz Elliot! I think this makes Bracken one of the most drawn characters so far. Sucks for you, other characters. Anyway, I’m super behind with all my emails and junk so if you’ve sent me something in the last wee while I’m probably trying to think up a response right now. Sorry. D:
And they all lived happily ever after.
— In my furious haze over the lost work on last week’s page, I forgot to mention that the gallery is now, finally, in operation. There’s a decent spread of some of the art I’ve done for Red Moon Rising over the last few years, plus all the various fanart I’ve been sent. If your fanart’s not there it’s not because I hate you, it’s simply a cack-handed oversight on my part. Email me with it or leave a comment with a link here and I’ll have it posted ASAP. π
Lethe is good at dealing with stressful situations.
— Sorry this is late, people following me on twitter will have seen the minor breakdown I had when I lost all of the inking for this page when Manga Studio crashed. A livestream with lots of terrible music (mostly the PokΓ©mon theme on a loop) ensued while I redid everything. Thanks to everyone who showed up, you made the whole thing slightly (slightly) less terrible.
This was on top of the sketch taking 9 hours to draw somehow which is longer than the whole page usually takes, so I think this might actually be the most time-consuming page I’ve ever posted. I’m thinking something like 25 hours for this? Absolutely ridiculous. Ugh. ugh ugh ugh
I mean… hooray, 250* pages! \o/
*Note from the future: This was originally page 250.
Happy new year! Hope everyone had a good hogmanay, and other non-international words that will surely confound 95% of my audience.
I’ve set up a old vote incentive archive, as per requests. The Extras link at the top of the page is now a dropdown, for future reference. Next up, an actual gallery with pictures and stuff in it! And then a new vote incentive, hopefully.
I should point out for the readers that Saiamar isn’t dead yet.
— Hey, it’s a jolly Christmas update! Normally I post filler, but that’s usually because I’m thoroughly unprepared for being away from my drawing station for the week around Christmas. This time however, I thought ahead and drew the page… beforehand? I believe it’s called… a buffer?? Anyway, hope everyone had a nice Christmas and is having a lovely boxing day.
— Also, I really appreciate all the donations. π Definitely got enough to cover a heater, and the rest will be going towards food and thick socks and other boring yet important things. I’ll be adding a permanent donation button (tip jar? there seems to be some debate) to the sidebar as soon as I can draw up a wee graphic for it.
On a related note, I want to start making a concerted effort to upgrade the site, so! If you’ve got anything that you want changed or added to the site, let me know in the comments below. I’ll start chipping away at stuff over new year. I realise not many people will be reading the bottom of this big boring news post right around Christmas, but if you are that just means you’re hardcore and have a better opinion than everyone else. Pipe up!
I’ve been swithering over having a donation button for a while now – in theory I like having money for food and all, but it seemed… I dunno? …grabby? Plus this has been such a terrible year for updates due to all the health issues that suddenly cropped up, it didn’t seem terribly fair to ask for money. But on balance I’ve decided I could really do with some funds to put towards some manner of heater.
The comic’s always going to remain free to read online for as long as I can afford the hosting, so no one should feel obliged to chuck money my way. I really just appreciate having people reading and commenting. You guys are the best. π
— Finally, I keep forgetting to post this because I’m an awful person, but an old friend of mine did some fanart for my birthday (nearly a month ago, I suck) and it is super neat. Thanks, Craig. π