Chapter: Part 2 - Chapter 5
Finally finished this page. Sorry once again for the delay, but it’s been… a rather singular week here in the UK, and perhaps here in Scotland in particular.
I rarely get political on here, but I believe it’s important to say just one thing: If you’re in the UK and thinking about being an arsehole to someone because you think they don’t belong here after the referendum, just don’t, ok? Just don’t.
Sorry for the missed update, guys, I’ve been a bit overwhelmed with work for the last week or so. Updates will resume on Friday as normal! In the meantime, here’s a miscellaneous painting I never quite got around to finishing. larger version
Edit: Sorry to add further delays, but things have gone a bit tits up over here, you might have seen it on the news. Currently engaged in self-pity and commiseration while staring longingly at the EU. Regardless, page will be up soon!
You can tell a storm is bad when it starts messing up the panelling.
— Finally got around to updating the archive page! And by that I actually mean my lovely friend Drew did all the work – I enlisted him to finally sort it out since I’ve been struggling to find the time to update it for something like the last two years. Sorry about that. And thank you, Drew! Next up, the woefully out of date cast page.
That and “how do I get all this blue off of my hands”.
— It’s been a while since I did a webcomic shout out, but I’ve been reading The Otherknown recently, and it’s really good stuff! I think a lot of you might enjoy it.