Well, I guess it is kind of a broom cupboard.
Shoutout to my friend Erin! She’s currently running a Kickstarter campaign to print
volume two of Next Town Over, her wonderful frontier fantasy webcomic. Working with Erin on the Poor Wayfaring Strangers anthology earlier this year was a delight, and I just cannot recommend her work enough.
And how about that local sports team?
One of my favourite things about making this comic is coming back to characters after a while and getting to draw them again with all the neat new tricks I learned since they were last in the comic. And it’s been
over a year since we last saw Galak! Not quite as long in comic time, at least. I’ll be getting a sidebar button thing for RMR’s Patreon as soon as I find a moment to make it, but in the meantime we’ll just have to make do with me bleating about it every week down here in the news post. Thanks again to everyone who’s chipped in. Finally, I kind of wish I could embed noise or sounds in the comic (as annoying as that would be in practice), because I would definitely jam this sandstorm noise over the whole story arc.
I hope you guys are looking forward to this chapter. I’m looking forward to this chapter.
The response to
Red Moon Rising’s Patreon launch last week has been fantastic! Thanks to all of you who chipped in, and also to those of you who spread the word. It really means a lot to me, and is a great first step towards hopefully being able to work on this thing full time one of these days. We’ve blown right past the $100 mark, which is of interest to everyone reading (patron or not) since it means I’ll be permanently removing all ads from the website ASAP. Cheers, guys!
Well, he’s got a mind to do something.
That’s the end of the chapter, and I have a big announcement to go along with it! I’ve started
a Patreon! I think I may be the last webcomic on the internet to actually set one up, but here it is! For those who don’t know, Patreon is a way of supporting creators of continuous projects (like, say, longform weekly webcomics). Pledge a few bucks a month to support me and the comic, and in return you’ll get wee rewards that are detailed on the Patreon page, including wallpapers and drawings and things. Also, as I touch on in the Patreon description, I would loooove to spend more time on Red Moon Rising, but at the moment I make my living as a freelance artist and a lot of my time is committed towards that, on account of it paying money, which I then exchange for food (an important catalyst in the webcomic making process). Anything that comes out of this campaign will go a long way towards stabilising my income and would let me make room in my schedule to produce more content for you guys, which is basically all I want to do for as long as I can. I don’t know about you, but I am really into this whole webcomic thing. Anyway, thanks as always for reading, and for your support! I’ll be back next week with a cover for the new chapter.