File under “things you don’t want to overhear your captain saying”.

We’re already at over €2,800 a week in, and I’m pretty damn thrilled! I really do appreciate you guys backing the project, it means a lot to me. There’s still three weeks left on the Kickstarter if you’re on the fence about backing it, and a huge thanks to those of you that already did and/or have spread the word!
0 thoughts on “Page 132”
She’s very honest about it, at least. Not the sort of captain to pull some sort of “that’s need-to-know only” bullsh*t. 🙂
I wonder, could a sandstorm do real damage to the ship?
No plans!?! How delightful. I’ll come up with something pointlessly self-defeating! We diplomats have been doing that to you naval captains since William Eaton won his battle at Tripoli and achieved all of his country’s diplomatic objectives, only to have Jefferson’s idealists cynically sell him and his allies out.
Was that the one that ended with the U.S saying “ok, clearly we won the fight, but to make this problem go away we’ll pay the ransom so you can let our people go, even though we went to war because you asked us to pay in the first place…” ?
Plan? . . . Of course she doesn’t have any plan: This whole thing was somebody else’s idea; her plans were to do any but this. . . .
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