Here we go again~

Welcome back, folks! Twice-a-week updates will be starting next week, so just the cover for this week. Hope you guys like the new cover style. As a reminder, I’ll be at
DoJ-Con this coming Saturday, so feel free to drop by my table and say hello! On a related capitalistic note, the promised store is still in the works. It’s out of my hands at the moment, but it should be online pretty damn soon.

In short, I’m excited for the new arc! I’m really looking forward to drawing the stuff that’s planned, so I hope you lot enjoy reading it. 🙂 Thanks for sticking around!


Chapter 1 – Cover

0 thoughts on “Chapter 1 – Cover

  1. Muh…? Didn’t chapter 1 already have a cover? Looks nice though, so I’m not complaining ^_^

    Also, big yay for doubled update rate. I love to see the story unfold.

    1. I think this is Chapter One of Arc Two. Otherwise, this cover doesn’t really correlate with what happens in chapter one of arc one.

  2. [excited flail also]




  5. Twice a week updates yeah!

  6. Whoot! This is my very favorite web comic. I only keep up with about 10 devoutly, but this one is my top. Can’t wait for more!

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