Sorry for the lack of any update last week, the site was still being shifted and there were a few small issues with the database in particular, meaning if I had made a post it would have been erased anyway as the database was being restored from backups. If you made a comment in the last week it’s probably been erased too – sorry about that, I’ll try to restore them shortly!

Otherwise, the site has made it to the new hosting just fine. There should be less technical issues in general, so I’m very chuffed!

I know I said there would be one more page in this chapter, but I ended up axing it – it was pretty redundant, so it hit the cutting room floor. Plus I’m still moving, surrounded by boxes as I’m typing this, so chapter 3 won’t be starting until I’m in my new flat with some internet access. I’m expecting that to be around the 10th of July, internet gods willing. Thanks for everyone’s patience. 🙂

In the meantime, some music:

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=ff5500&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

Adrianna’s theme again, I ended up re-doing a lot of it after getting some feedback. The piano part is mostly the same, but the surrounding instrumentation is completely changed to accommodate more percussion. I’m still not sure when the soundtrack’s going to be ready to release, but I’m still working on it. Having a lot of fun working on it, actually!



0 thoughts on “Moving

  1. Glad the site move went well! And best of luck with settling in the new flat. Moving is always equal parts excitement and frustration, lol!

    1. Thanks! It’s a real load off my mind that the site’s fine. And yeah, the move is certainly that… It’s exciting to be going to a new place, but I’m finding I clearly have too many books for one person, and my back is kiiilling me.

      1. That moment when you realise putting an entire bookshelf in one box was a bad idea…

        I share your pain.

        I hope it’s not too bad. Good luck =P

        1. I only wish all of my books fit in a single box. More like a dozen. D:

        2. I never said you only had one bookshelf ^^’

          Still, good luck, you can do it!

      2. Oh, I bet!! And while books are lovely and I cannot live without them… moving them is the proverbial “bitch”. O.o Scott and I have moved twice.. once ourselves and once by a moving company. Both were very interesting experiences, lol!

  2. “It hit the cutting room floor”. I haven’t heard this expression before but I like it. Very figurative 🙂

  3. I just spent a big chunk of my night enjoying your work Ms. Rose Loughran. I love your artwork and the the storyline is great, although a little more tragic than most I read. I hope in the future you have great success with this web comic.

  4. I like this version better. I have always read this comic with tom Wait’s smoother stuff in the background

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