Page 101

0 thoughts on “Page 101

  1. Wow, so cool! All those flags (?) totally look like ghosts.

    1. I was thinking tapestries. (Well, technically, the word “arras” was the word that first came to mind, but I’ve been listening to an audiobook of a Shakespeare biography, so …)

  2. Have you thought about setting up a Patreon account, Rose?

    1. If anything, I’ve overthought it. I should go ahead and get that done. Thanks for the nudge. 🙂

  3. Perhaps building vaulted halls is just what Imaran rulers do when they’re trying to appear functional? Rather like those useless road projects of many governments in our world…

    At least it must keep the stonemasons in work.

    1. I like that idea 😀

      1. Me too. Every government has their vanity projects, right?

  4. The “Mines” of Moria spring to mind, at least the visual representation from the Peter Jackson film (The Fellowship of the Rings). Very awe-inspiring! Nicely done, Rose! 🙂

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