And how about that local sports team?

One of my favourite things about making this comic is coming back to characters after a while and getting to draw them again with all the neat new tricks I learned since they were last in the comic. And it’s been
over a year since we last saw Galak! Not quite as long in comic time, at least.

I’ll be getting a sidebar button thing for RMR’s Patreon as soon as I find a moment to make it, but in the meantime we’ll just have to make do with me bleating about it every week down here in the news post. Thanks again to everyone who’s chipped in.

Finally, I kind of wish I could embed noise or sounds in the comic (as annoying as that would be in practice), because I would definitely jam this sandstorm noise over the whole story arc.


Page 110

0 thoughts on “Page 110

  1. “Yeah, we actually think you’re a pretty chill guy.”

    1. “So much so, that we didn’t even tie your hands!”

  2. “Yes, all of the prisoners. Every. Single. One. We *used* to just throw folks in a cell and leave them there, but the prison ethicd committee got all over it – and until the powers that be pull their fingers out and build a covered prison yard, it’s daily walkies for all of you.”

    1. I like it! Make it so!

      Though…somehow I don’t think these guards are as chatty as Galak…

  3. I honestly have no idea what’s happening in this comic anymore. I don’t think I really knew what was going on to begin with.

    1. It can be hard to keep track of a storyline that updates over a long period of time, things can start to seem disjointed. Maybe now that we’re at the start of a new chapter, it’s a good spot for you to do a re-read?

    2. I’m sure that the diplomatic services (spies) of both Imara and Ashul appreciate your vote of confidence, and thank you for complimenting them on their outstanding work and dedication to the clarity (opacity) of their communications. 😉

  4. And I thought the link would lead to Darude – Sandstorm… ugh, memes.

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