A kerfuffle.

Hey guys! We’re entering the final week for
the Kickstarter and it looks like we’ll need one last push to see the project through.

For anyone who’s unaware of how Kickstarter works, it’s an all-or-nothing affair – we’ll either hit the funding amount or the project will be cancelled. Realistically, I don’t anticipate there being another chance to see Red Moon Rising in print, so if you’re interested please consider becoming a backer!


Page 134

18 thoughts on “Page 134

  1. 2 days marathon of your comic, finally did it <3

    1. Rad! Thanks Joan 😀

  2. If this kickstarter doesn’t make it, why not find a printer yourself and do it self-published style? I am so excited to see RMR in print and if it doesn’t work out this time around I’ll be extremely disappointed (though of course probably not as disappointed as you), but I admit that the idea of RMR becoming a game came kind of out of the left field for me. I think it would be very cool for RMR to be a tabletop, but if I’m remembering correctly that hadn’t really been talked about/hyped here until recently (though it’s entirely possible I’m forgetting something).

    Also, at least for me, the price tag is a bit of an issue. I understand that they intend to ship the three volumes together, and of course that should cost quite a bit more than just printing and shipping one volume, but there’s a reason why I don’t normally buy three books of anything at a time– it just costs too much all at once for my usual budget. Even if I eventually end up in possession of all three, it’s spread out and more manageable– I would rather pay $20-25 for each volume at a time and end up spending $60-75 total over time, than have to come up with the lump sum once (around $55 for the early bird option, which is the one I took, including shipping fees). When I first looked at the KS I was a bit surprised at the tiers offered– no options for only pledging for one volume at a time. The webcomic Unsounded, for example, kickstarts one volume at a time (she just finished the latest one for volume 3, I believe) and does pretty well (though she does have a wider fanbase). Johnny Wander does the same, and also succeeds that way.

    I don’t want to talk like the KS will fail, and I know you must really be looking forward to RMR being a book AND a game, so I absolutely don’t want to rain on your parade, but just in case it does, maybe this would be helpful in the future? So that it’s not so unrealistic to see RMR in print one day? I’ve been following this comic since early 2010 (I still remember the exact page that was most recent when I started), and it immediately became my favorite (out of the 20ish I read). If it doesn’t make it this time, I don’t want this to be the end of that goal.

    1. Hey Ink, I really appreciate your thoughts on this as I know you’ve been reading and commenting perhaps longer than anyone else here.

      I think these are good, relevant points as well, but I don’t think I want to go too far down the rabbit hole of “what-ifs” before the Kickstarter has actually finished. In regards to the tiers and pricing, a lot of this was decided by the publisher, and I think the focus is mostly on the RPG to that end. I hope this isn’t a large factor for people deciding whether or not to back the project, but I would understand if that were the case.

      That said, the RPG isn’t quite as left field as it might seem – RMR actually started life as a Dungeons and Dragons campaign setting that I wanted to put together to play with some friends before I realised I could actually draw it out and bring it to life that way. I really am very passionate about seeing both the graphic novel and the RPG book come together, and I think both are going to be something readers would enjoy, whether or not they have the intent to actually run or play a game in the comic’s setting.

      1. Well, I’m supporting this all the way, whichever way it happens. You’ve made such a lovely and interesting thing.

        1. Thank you so much. That’s probably one of the nicest things anyone has ever said about the comic.

  3. Three hours, read the entire comic. This is precisely the type of fiction I like!

    The art is wonderful, and as a hardcore RPG gamer, I’m having fun seeing parallels in the characters I play and the characters in the comic.

    The problem is that they’re all so rich I think I’m rooting for opposing sides! You’re very talented!

    1. Thank you so much! And welcome, it’s always lovely to see new readers!


    You just got mentioned at Next Town Over. Didn’t know you colored one of their patreon content! Congrats on that, and it’s always a pleasure to see people co-working in comics I like! (Link here for lazies: http://www.nexttownover.net/?p=3981 )

    1. Ha, I probably should have mentioned that here at some point! Erin’s an absolute delight to work with, so if you guys ever needed an incentive to support her work on Patreon, so far I’ve coloured a full eight pages of her very fun side story, When Cutter Met Ironwood.

  5. The kickstarter is backed! !!

  6. Hmm. Now I wonder who happens to be intruding upon the Captain’s ship? The diplomatic interloper is already there, so who could be so insistent?

    I was late to the backer party, but I tried to make up for it by going for one of the higher tiers (fingers crossed the exchange rate doesn’t go up dramatically, or the shipping…eek). I would have gone for the shirt too, but I just couldn’t stretch it. *sigh* I console myself with the knowledge that I already give a little to Patreon each month. :/

    1. Hmm? I’m not sure who the diplomatic interloper you mean is. If you mean Saiamar, you may have pre-empted me a bit, there…

      I really appreciate any level of support, so please don’t stretch yourself too hard financially. The campaign seems to have safely made the target now, so I’d prefer you didn’t destitute yourself on my account!

      1. I think he means the emissary from Ashul.

        Also, HELL YES, congratulations! 😀

        1. Ahh! My bad, in that case I just pointlessly gave out spoilers. I am a terrible author. The new page is getting posted in like an hour anyway (I am drawing my little hands off right now) so hopefully no one reads this, haha.

          Also, THANK YOU!! <3

        2. HAHAHA! My fiendishly clever plot to force a spoiler has come to fruition! I told you that you would rue the day you crossed me, you meddlesome kid! Now get off my lawn!

          😀 😀 😀 😀 😀

          Sorry, couldn’t resist. 😉

          On a more serious note, when I said “diplomatic interloper”, I was referring to Kor-Kalin (he’s a diplomat, isn’t he?) because he always seems to be a thorn in the Captain’s side. Sorry for the confusion, sometimes my idea of subtle humor flies past people. 😉

          As for the Kickstarter, I really admire your work, Rose, but I assure you that I won’t starve or end up on the streets (otherwise how could I get my books!) to support your art. If I couldn’t realistically manage it then then my [meager] Patreon contributions (including the one for RMR) would be the first thing to go. When I said I couldn’t stretch getting the higher tier and hoped costs don’t go up, that was mainly because I am being overly generous (to myself) out of my budget for fun stuff. I’m terrible at balancing my checkbook, but as long as I can keep my job I’ll be okay. I do appreciate your concern though. 😉

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