Page 138

0 thoughts on “Page 138

  1. Oh, OH! He’s going to explain that his son is being held, and that he doesn’t know what happened when there was the assassination.

    …Oh my. How much further can this spiral out of control?

  2. Captain doesn’t seem to like the question.

    Understandable, when she requested an answer.

  3. Diplonatic incident initiated.

    I like how he seems to have stumbled in without really much of a plan, and is only now even collecting his thoughts.
    And then he launches into a rather personal question.

    Loving Sam’s expression at that.

  4. I love the dialogue and the whole scene here, but I noticed something seems wrong with Saiamar’s hand in the 5th panel. One on his fingers looks half the size of the others, or if it’s in perspective, the small bent finger wouldn’t be visible.

    1. Yeah, I see what you mean! I admit I was rushing a bit to get the page done on time, I’ll try to fix that ASAP. Thanks for the constructive crit!

      1. Any time! 🙂 Also, I’m impressed with how timely you put new pages up, given the amount of work you have. I hope you’ll give yourself a well-deserved break soon, or that at least you’re not exhausted after the whole Kickstarter thing.

  5. Saiamar, man, just keep on rolling the way you’re going. Sometimes stream of consciousness tales are the only way to properly communicate the problem, and despite all appearances, I think that, of all the people you could have come to, Captain Samara is the most patient listener. Sure, she may be formal, ultra-efficient with her words, or sometimes even brusque in manner, but the one thing that is quite clear is that she’s thoughtful. That doesn’t mean that she sends you flowers on your birthday, or knits you a sweater for when it’s cold, but it does mean that she actively listens to everything you say and analyzes it thoroughly before responding.

    In short: She might be your “enemy”, but she’s a far sight better than your “friends”.

  6. Or his wife, Thraecius?

    1. That could be, Honzinator. I don’t remember their interactions too well, but they did seem rather strained, which is a pity considering their mutual interests, namely their son and defending Imara. That being said, often the dispassionate third-party is the best sounding board when it comes to highly emotional subjects, which is a role the Captain here can quite excellently fill. It’s too bad that, apparently, no one similar was around for Saiamar and Renshou before she had her showdown with Danil.

      1. I didn’t think it was that strained really, considering she had a child by another man, whom Siamar chose to recognise as his own. And he seemed distraught at her death.

        I coulda misread things, though.

  7. Just for the record, I’d totally appretiate a page with these two sighing at each other. 😀

  8. I have a technical question about the book: is it going to include pages 62, 63, 81 and 97? They are listed in the archive of the first arc, so I guess you plan to add them?… Just curious.

    1. Yeah, those are basically reserved for pages that don’t exist yet. They’re all either maps or covers that I haven’t gotten around to drawing! Admittedly I expected to get around to them sooner than this, but they should be ready for the book.

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