Page 179

0 thoughts on “Page 179

  1. If they are a proper ideolligical firm resistancee group they should let a deserter, who was pressengaged into the military walk away.
    And calling her mage might be a little much… she can warm a cup of coffee or light a cigarette, bot nothing more xD
    I love how she stands around while Galak talks about how she canhalp them…
    only to explain that the one who dragged her through a unknown city, the one who threatened her with a knife, and the one who nearly impaled her with a sword are insane, and that she will just walk away.

    …my guess is that it won’t be that easy >.<

    ….and her face when she hears her brothers name is just…whoa.
    Rose, you could create a comic, consisting entirely of faces with different expression and rainy backgrounds and it would still be aweseome o.o

    1. Rose, you could create a comic, consisting entirely of faces with different expression and rainy backgrounds and it would still be aweseome o.o

      “Today, we will replace all of the characters in Red Moon Rising with very well-disguised mimes.”

  2. She doesn’t mince words, does she?

    Loving the first and third-to-last panels.

  3. If only it were that easy just to walk away. On second thought, maybe they should let her go. I sense a sucker punch coming up….

  4. Dat second panel

    On another note, i really like the word bubbles recently too. And the feel of these last pages, mmm.

  5. hehehe.

  6. “Don’t mind me. You’re all nuts. I’m going to wander around territory in the rain that is unfriendly to my faction now. Which I am wearing the military uniform of. Goodbye.” I wonder if the locals will stone her in the streets or something 😀

  7. Hi, I just started reading this a few days ago & I’m hooked. The Ink is great, the Story is great.. nice job!

  8. Hard to argue with what she’s saying, really.

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