
Welp. In better news, there’s a new
vote incentive. It’s a commission of an alleyway I had to take a second run at, so you guys get to see the discarded first draft. Might rework it into a shot of Ashul later?


Page 298

0 thoughts on “Page 298

  1. OH MY GOD NO D:
    in front of her son oh god

    (Also, I really really love this comic, and this page in particular. I kind of meant to comment after you resumed updates but then kind of didn’t so I just want to say that I’m really, really happy you’re back because you’re one of my favourite people and this is one of my favourite webcomics. So yeah. Sorry for the over-long comment.)

    1. Thanks! That’s very kind of you to say, it’s really, really great to be back and working after that long break. Nothing makes me happier than telling this story. 🙂

  2. OWWWW!!!

  3. Noooooooo Rose stop killing my favourite characters D:

    PS: this page looks really great, possibly one of the best you’ve ever drawn! It’s good to see you’re back in track, and already at top speed and quality!

  4. D:

    I can guarantee you that he would have missed.

    Why? Water refracts light, unless you’re perpendicular to its surface. This is why people have so much trouble pointing directly at stuff that’s underwater. But, a mage did it, so my point is invalid.

    1. Frame three strikes me as pretty perpendicular. =\

    2. I kinda think about all those people who have mastered the art of spearing fish in a river… probably do-able.

  5. OH GOD EVERYONE IS DYING NO ONE IS SAFE noooo Renshou is too pretty to die :'(

    Might as well just end it here with a ‘rocks fall, everyone dies.’ Just to simplify everything.

  6. AAAAAAAAAW Maaaayn
    Ren also bites the dust—wheres ms Sho Vahn,whats she siting on her behind for. She better know some necromancing spell after all this

  7. Total annihilation!
    For his next trick, Danil will off the boy… you know, do a Richard and get the whole set.

    1. Nah, he’s doing the standard Voldemort thingie. The boy gonna turn to Harry Potter. And btw, the shock and grief will turn on his magicks.

      Or he will be sad and die. That’s the second option 😛

  8. Aw. And here i was longing for more Mage-battle. Quite a body-count, Rose. 😉

  9. Let’s not jump to conclusions here.

    She was hit by a rock-bullet. That doesn’t mean she’s dead. People have survived multiple gunshot wounds.

    And Dannil. Oh man, what a fine mess this turned out to be. I don’t think he ever watned to kill anyone….and yet.

    1. Gunshot? Yes.
      This rock will hit more like a musketball, and if you want to see what this does to innards-
      there is a video on the tubes of a musketball hitting ballistic gel.
      And since there is no healing magic we no of in RMR it’s safe guess that Renshou is Killed Off for Real.
      Anyone Can Die indeed.

      1. Second that. A bullet is usually about half a centimeter in diameter. That stone looks like over an inch in diameter, thats a pretty decent autocannon, even surpassing that musket thought, which indeed is gruesome already.

        So I guess Airin is an orphan now.

        And what do we learn kids? Right. Don’t mess with mages trained for actual war.

      2. I’m waiting for Deus ex Brackena to show us what a real gunshot wound looks like.

        1. We mentioned about 4 tropes right there.
          It’s a shame RMR doesn’t have TvTropes page.

        2. Fixed that for you. Have at it, I simply started the page.

        3. Nice!
          Sadly I won’t be adding anything, for I am neither a troper yet,
          nor do I trust the fluency of my knowledge of the english language.
          Bu thanks, much appreciated.

        4. Throw on some tropes and I will clean up any little mistakes you make. Lord knows I’m not an expert troper – I don’t believe you have to be know to mod a page. Remember, troping is just as much about having fun as anything. And think, you might help RMR reach critical troping mass and then you don’t have to worry about it anymore. 🙂

  10. Whoa. I’m not sure I want to know what happens next. Oo

  11. I agree with TrashMan, I don’t think Dannil wanted to kill Ren or Lethe, especially in front of their son, judging by his expression in the second panel.

  12. …You know…you’d think I’d have seen this coming. (bawls)

  13. In the second panel Danil looks like a really old, old man…

  14. Well, that is probably a diplomatic incident.

  15. On one hand, the art of this page is spectacular. Each page is better than the one before! Loving it 🙂

    On the other hand…in front of her son?

    1. Well, she was trying to drown him.

      “Oh, you have a kid with you? I better stop my self-defense then. Kill me pls.”

      When the adrenalin is pumping and you life is on the line, you usually strike first and think later. Especially reflexively.

      1. I’m not saying they had an alternative. I’m just saying, that poor boy now has zero chance of growing up undamaged.

        1. Ah well, I guess he already had his bit to chew on, since he eavesdropped on that conversation between the late Saimar und Renshou somewhere around chapter 3-4?

          Probably figured out by now, that Lethe was his real father, so lil’ Airin is royally screwed anyways…

        2. This is just to top it all off. Poor kid. ;______;

  16. HOLY CRAP! Amazing and…tragic!

  17. And then everyone had successfully killed each other.

    The End.


    Double-meaning “no” right there–catching up AND what happened.

    RENSHOU NOOOO!!!!!!!!!!! You’re turning into George R. R. Martin here, killing off all your awesome characters…. WHY IS NO ONE SAFE?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

  19. nooo…. now Adrianna’s gonna have to run away with the kid. I get the feeling we might have just hit the meat of the plot. …Unless the author decides to keep killing off characters (excepting dannil, bitch deserves it).

  20. Okay, one part of me is going “AAAAA” and the other part is going, “Damn but this is a beautiful page.”


  21. I don’t like George RR Martin :/
    I join in the chorus … NNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOooooooooooo
    I was hoping for some good things from Ren.
    This means that Andranna winds up with custody of her nephew?
    He has no magic therefore, his magical relations (Ren’s side) might not want to bother.

    Other posters: that large of an object going fast enough to completely penetrate the body does indeed convert the human torso into badly scrambled ballistic gelatin. She’s dead before she even hits the ground. It would take a full-on resurrection to save Ren. The only hope is that the rock only grazed her. The image doesn’t support that.

    1. Since when has realistic physics ever been a priority in most fantasy stories? And since when do writers/filmamkers proof every last detail of their work?
      There is only one law – the writers law.

      1. There’s also this tool the readers use called ‘suspension of disbelief.’ It’s when the reader overlooks little details, knowing that the world the writer has created works a certain way. However, something big (like someone getting shot through the torso by a rock an inch in diameter and walking away from it) might cause that tool to break. Part of good writing is staying believable.
        Not that I’m saying Rose is doing this, but breaking your reader’s suspension of disbelief is a good way to jolt them out of the story (especially if the story is in novel form).

  22. Everybody’s dying! D:

  23. Aww, poor little Airin behind his mother there is just heartbreaking! Good luck w/looking after your little nevvy, Adrianna. If you don’t drown or anything first. I had a feeling No One Is Safe about this comic some time ago, but I wasn’t expecting the body count to do – this.

    So, um, is the water going to go down now? So Danil and Adrianna won’t drown? ’cause they are my FAVORITES, goshdarnit! *bites fingernails*

  24. It takes talent to make a fight scene like this drawn out for months and still make it exciting. And you sir have done it.

  25. Two frags for Danil. I hope bracken won’t end his killing spree.

  26. Indiana Jones walks up. Shoots him.

    Why don’t people just shoot mages rather then try to fight them on their front?

    1. Rose has mentioned this somewhere before (I think on her formspring), that guns aren’t exactly the brightest idea, since there are people running around who can just ignite the gunpowder WITH THEIR MINDS from a safe distance away.

      This hasn’t stopped Rishara Caan from developing them, though…

      1. Guns are a new idea, and aren’t gunpowder based if memory serves right.
        Also: kinetic shields do exist as a mage-power.
        So besides assasinating unsuspecting mages who are distracted and/or
        do not have the ability to use a kinetic barrier they are pretty much useless.
        See the airshipcaptains reaction when she tells Danil about the assasination.

        “They weren’t even mages!”


    1. Sorry! I’m working overtime on the page, but chances are it won’t be up ’til tomorrow. 8 panel pages always take forever. 🙁

      1. Hey, don’t worry about it. Every page you do is worth the wait. I was just joking.

        Don’t mind me; my girlfriend always tells me that I’m ridiculous anyway. She’s right! 😛

        1. “Don’t mind me; my girlfriend always tells me that I’m ridiculous anyway” – time for change, eh?

          No need to beat around the bush – we´re all longing for updates! :-))

        2. Change? No. Because she’s always laughing when she says it. I can be kind of goofy sometimes, but it’s always at appropriate times and it never inconveniences others. It’s partly how I be funny. /shrug

  28. Uh…
    yeah, I have to look into the whole *how to trope thing* now,
    that is for sure.
    Gimme tomorrow and I’ll figure it out.

    1. Oh god. I am now a troper, I will never have time for university again.

  29. This poor kid just saw his mom and dad get….daw man!

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