Page 299

0 thoughts on “Page 299

  1. “…Yer a wizard, Airin.”

  2. I think we may have proto-batman on our hands.

  3. No. Nuh uh. Not the kid. No no no no no no no no no no no no.

  4. You know this guy would probably avoid a lot more trouble in life if he could just learn not to aim for the vitals.

    1. Au contraire, no man, no problem…

  5. *shocked look*

    Oh, dear…

  6. And now…… the stuned… possibly angry?… mage-child simply sets him on fire out of pure rage, fear… and well.. ‘you killed my mama!’ temper-tantrum?

    1. He can´t. See p42.

      1. Or can he?

        1. He´s a poor bastard.

          At least, now he has a good excuse if someone asks later about certain inabilities.

          And on another side: “Hero” kids? Serious? There´s nothing more annoying and implausible than these “superkids”. Leave that revenge part to the Brackens of this world.

  7. …I think I’m gonna skip the “witty” comment and just cut to the bawling. Sigh…
    And there WILL be a reckoning, Danil. Or there should be. I don’t even know any more.

  8. Now, Maitland! Now is your time!

  9. We all do remember that this kid can’t muster the energy to even get the wick warm on a candle, right? The kid is no threat although, he is a witness. But then, so are Adrianna and the others. Is Dan’l going to turn complete scumbag here?

  10. Witness to what? Danil was the one who was attacked. Self-defense.

    And I don’t think Danil will hurt the kid. From what we seen so far he is pragmatic, but not a scumbag.

  11. Hm, the extra effort for this page sure paid off. Dramatically backwards falling female character for the win!

  12. That makes at least 3 dead people within only 20 pages.

  13. Does he get a bonus if he kills the kid now?

    And it’s a beautiful page, as always.

  14. Awe, now you made me blush Rose. I’m also only kind of awesome.

  15. Airin’s face. Oh my god. And that hand in the first panel!!! >____<

  16. I wonder, will Danil address Airin like the Bride did with Copperheads daughter?

  17. It’s just a flesh wound…right? I have really enjoyed where the story has taken us so far and the artwork is amazing

    1. Oh, there is certainly a lot of wounded flesh. Probably about half a pound of it missing, by my estimate.

  18. Happy birthday Rose!


      1. Hooray!


    2. Oh hey, thanks! My birthday’s actually not til the 24th though, it seems like livejournal’s been sending out wonky notifications for some reason.

      1. Well then, assuming Scotland is in the same timezone as Hamburg:

        Happy Birthday to you, Rose! *fanfare*

        1. “November 23, 2012 @ 11:08 pm” – Ah. Strange little island you have there. 😀

        2. Strange big island you have there! GMT+1 indeed, pshhh. Anyway, thanks! 😀

        3. We call it “continent”. 😉

          So, have a nice great day and a crowded party!

      2. Happy birthday! I think…

        1. No worries, it is indeed my birthday. Thanks! 🙂

        2. Happy Birthday!

      3. Happy b-day from GMT-7!

        1. Aye, and another!

          Rest well Rose and by all means skip a week if you need to. No relapses, ‘k?

  19. Airin! Vengeance!!! VENGEANCE!!!

  20. NOOOOO!!! Sai, Lethe, and now Ren too?! T_________T

    1. Waaaait wait wait, is Sai actually dead yet?

      1. I thought he was (see below) but I am thinking (hoping!) that it’s incorrect reasoning on my part. >_<

    2. Yeah, this entire love triangle thing just went poof! And that was like half the plot, too. Whaaaaat

      Of course, Saiamar isn’t ‘officially’ dead yet, it’s only been said that he will ‘probably die.’ It’s like the difference between dead and mostly dead.

      1. I think I assumed he was dead once the Colonel said “I’m sorry for your loss, Councillor” to Ren. I hope I’m wrong!

  21. Happy late birthday!

  22. Keep well, celebrate your birthday for 40 days and 40 nights, and I will TRY to be a patient little person and wait for the next page, which will only make me wait for the next page after that, and the next page . . . sigh . . . I will wait.

    1. Ha, I wish I had been doing the 40 days and nights of partying. Unfortunately I got a bit ill over the last week so I’m really behind with this page. Sorry about the wait, but I promise I’m working as fast as I can.

      1. Don´t.

        Better promise to go easy on yourself.

        We can wait, no problem.

  23. Such a dab.

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