Page 300

0 thoughts on “Page 300

  1. Did you ever get my birthday fanart email? I think I sent three?

    1. Oh god, I’m so bad at emails. Sorry, one sec! Will go check.

      1. Oh hey, thar they are! Thanks so much! Hope your birthday was a blast of good health and good fun 🙂

    2. I laughed SO HARD at the batman picture! It was so perfect 😀

  2. Hahahahah…”Airin, you’re a…”

    “Who’s throwing pebbles at me?!”

  3. “Did you seriously just throw an apple at my head?” -Page 75

    Pebbles. Consider this payback, Danil.

    1. That came to my mind, too. And Danil can be happy that it´s obviously not Bracken. For now.

      And: #300 – Congratulations, Rose!

      1. When Bracken throws rocks he does not miss on his first throw.

      2. She might be the worst mage known to us at that point, put she is gutsy.
        And once again, Danils shield doesn’t work,
        even with this amount of time to prepare.
        Scorching his runes of might been the most effective move used against him to date.
        Also: He now has chance to kill Airins aunt as well,
        to complete his *Airins dead family* quartett.

    2. Sweet apple-y revenge.

  4. Can someone please explain Bracken’s powers to me? I’m still a bit unsure. He can cancel out a mage’s magic?

    1. As far as we know, he doesn’t have any magical powers. But he does have a large gun. Guns are rather effective at stopping people, mage or otherwise.

      1. Correct! His magic power is Gun.

        1. Bracken used Gun! It’s super effective!

        2. “Critical Hit! DmgX2!”

      2. Merci buckets!

    2. The mages don’t know!
      And they don’t like it when they don’t know.
      But how they know it’s him they don’t know it about… that I can’t figure.
      Anyway, captain robohand got shot, and somehow everybody knows Bracken had something to do with it.

    1. Ha, awesome! Also, sorry for the delay in your comment appearing, the spam filter flagged it for moderation since it was full of delicious links.

      1. It’s fine. Also: “I may be the most useless fire mage you’ve ever met, but I can still ROCK TO THE FACE!”

        Finally, how does one get one of the fancy comment images?

        1. Via Gravatar 😉

  5. Goliath was killed with a pebble to the forehead.
    Maybe Danil will have the same luck?

    1. That´d be lame. 🙂

      A departure of a mage like him should be more, well, spectacular.

      1. Something where he gets blown up in a nuke-like explosion would be fun! Mwahahahahaha!

    2. And ironically, his name is Danil. ;___;

  6. Smack!

    And we all got a small side of revenge…

    A shame to see those two characters go. D:

  7. Poor Danil just can’t take a break.

  8. Uhm, for some reason the link to the French version doesn’t work anymore…

  9. Rose! Get well, huh? I’m guessing, since you said you’ve been under the weather, that you unfortunately are fighting off a cold. 🙁

    Get well quick, huh? 🙂

  10. Right in the soft spot! *Cheers!

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