Page 303

0 thoughts on “Page 303

  1. G´damn, Bracken, hurry up!

  2. This would be the moment for Adrianna to remember the knife she has in her pocket…

  3. Danil kills everyone ever end succesfully blames it on the rebellion.
    The end.

    1. * Promotion to Brigadier General, then The End.

  4. I imagine the next page is going to be Adrianna sprouting six arms and an aura of celestial fire, nukes Danil’s brain and claims, “I have become death!”

    Or I’ve just been watching way too many nuclear testing videos again.

    1. “This isn’t even my final form!”

    2. So…some odd version of a polymorph spell resembling “Shiva the Destroyer”?…

      Hmm…maybe be cool. If not over the top.

  5. Nooooo! Danil, don’t do it! Don’t do it! Death awaits you, with nasty big pointy teeth!

  6. Speaking purely in terms of aesthetics, I love that last panel. It’s just so well done. :’)

  7. This would be a good time for the traumatized little boy to discover that he Has Powers After All and uses them to save the life of his aunt. Although, granted, the whole ‘Bystander Stepping In’ thing hasn’t worked out favorably so far, plus he doesn’t know she’s his aunt.

  8. I just hope Danil snaps out of it already.

  9. ‘I find your lack of faith Disturbing.’

  10. “I find your lack of shield manifestation disappointing”

    Also, the boy probably is a dud. Would be too cliche… traumatic event triggers superpowers? Come on, 99% of marvel and DC started like that. The trope was bled dry, desected, ground to dust and spred thinly over the stratosphere by now.

    1. My money is on “The Eagles Are Coming” Bracken to pull a Deus Ex Machina,
      wich is an even harder used trope.
      But thid one still got style…

      But maybe we’ll have a third/fourth party interrupting Danils spree.
      Some more Imarans perhaps?

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