Page 304

0 thoughts on “Page 304

  1. Weeeee ^.^ New paaaage *happy for the whole remaining day*

    Tough luck for colonel though. Either he somehow lets Adrianna live and creates a mortal enemy or he just gets a bullet in the back right here because otherwise the main character is about to transit from bloody to well done in the next two panels.

  2. I’ve loved your art style from day one, and it just keeps getting better and better! I can’t speak for everyone, but I’m willing to wait for pages, so don’t push yourself too hard when you’re sick.

    Also, upper hand? I see what you did there.

    1. I’m not sure whats happeing here.
      She’s tried to fight back, but Danil’s either absorbed her power
      and turned it back on her with his own,
      or used his power to cancel hers,
      or he turned up his power so far she hurts too much for her to
      concentrate on using her power.

  3. These pages have been frickin’ gorgeous. Just keep making them so pretty, I’ll wait as long as you need! 🙂

  4. “Tough luck for colonel though. Either he somehow lets Adrianna live and creates a mortal enemy or he just gets a bullet in the back right here”

    Right =) I agree

  5. Noooo another cliff hanger! D:

    1. I think she’s hanging from the colone’ls hand, not a cliff… :-p

  6. Oh no, Rose, please please please don’t get sick again! Aaaah it’s scary to think of someone getting sick so many times in a year D: Please take care of yourself!!

    1. relax, it would only be the first time this year she gets sick the other times were all last year (atleast that’s what my spies tell me)
      all joking aside do not get sick, please.

  7. Better late than never. Your comic is getting better and better! Keep Up! Just it is a sad you have all these health problems.Take care of yourself.

  8. Ugh, hope you feel better.

    (Also: Noooooo how is that even survivable?)

  9. So what will he get left with, I wonder? The ashes of his anger and a rebellion no matter what? Did the crystal even survive? All it ever said was probably that the whole bunch of people he just killed were his family anyway.

  10. The faces.

    Oh, the faces.
    Wow. Way to show incredible struggle, passion, fury, desperation.

    1. To prevent the information from getting into wrong hands is probably more important than to posess it in the first place…

  11. I think Bracken is going to show up at this point. He didn’t mind a mage-battle, the more of them gone the better fot the rebellion, I guess. But Bracken & co still might need that cristal for something, right?
    And they also might want to hear about Adrianna’s talk with Leithe, that was her mission after all.
    But if there’s any way to stop furious Danil without killing him? Shooting his knee maybe?…
    Adrianna can’t die, she’s a afreakin’ main character!

    1. So was Lethe. And Renshou.

      I seriously think she’s about to die… D:

      1. Nah. Rose won´t let her alter ego die.

        *fingers crossed*

        1. Great. You probably jinxed it.


    I don’t wanna see either Adrianna or Danil go 🙁

  13. Hope you’re feeling better Rose. I eagerly await the newest page!

    1. Me too! Take that Dayquil/Nyquil like crazy.

      Best wishes!

  14. Yes, hope you will get better soon.
    In case, as to having difficulty with immunity, you could already know it but still, having “good vibes” around help the mind and then the body.
    There is no real better way to go bad than to not enjoying living.

    That said, plein support, the artwork is very nice (shaders and colors, wow).

  15. Oh NOOOOOO! He’s killing all the people!! NOOooooooo!

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