Page 55

5 thoughts on “Page 55

  1. hi! i’m your reader for more than a year, but i got a question for this early page. i just started rereading your wonderful comix and wanna ask if the letters on the door saying ‘captain’ are really russian or no? and if yes – than why? i’m russian myself, so i’m kinda interested))

    1. Hi Tania! You’re right, the letters on the door do indeed say капитан. Ashul’s society is very, very loosely based on early 20th century Russia and so it seemed appropriate to use Cyrillic script in places. I think this might be the only case of an actual word in Russian making it into the comic, though – mostly I’ve simply used Cyrillic script as an influence for any writing related to Ashul since I can read and write Cyrillic and it seemed appropriate. I don’t actually speak Russian, though – anything more complicated than капитан and I suspect I would mangle it. 🙂

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