Page 71

12 thoughts on “Page 71

  1. Ha, I love the atmosphere on this page. And more than that, I love the tenseness.

    1. They love each other secretly. :O

  2. You pwn at expressions <3

  3. LMAO! The expressions. Oh, wow. And the tension…you could cut it with a dull spoon. It’s thick as pea soup. More so from Adrianna though. Galak looks annoyed and bored. LMAO! Classic, Kyeth!

    1. They’re about a word away from getting into another brawl, I’m sure. Thanks!

  4. Aw, poor Adrianna. Did she have to shake hands and say sorry in front of the whole class?

    I’m pretty sure that Galak’s magical boss partner blue bubble dude is gonna show up, in which case Adrianna should swiftly bop him on the nose to establish superiority. Then she’ll be in charge of the whole show.

    1. It’s as if you’re a page ahead of everyone else, you creepy psychic. (Or I’m just predictable, which is a bit more likely.)

  5. I love it shes all like “whaaaaat? Why are staaaring?!”

  6. Hey, how do we know Galak’s name? As far as I can see it was never mentioned…

    Any way I really like this comic. The art great, it’s got a pretty intruiging story, I’ll be following this for quite sometime 🙂

    1. You’re right, it hasn’t been mentioned in the actual comic yet, only in my notes underneath the pages. There hasn’t been a good opportunity to bring it up in the story yet, but it’ll come up eventually. In the meantime, you’ll just have to take my word for it. 🙂 And thank you! Glad you’re enjoying it.

  7. Surly girl is surly.

  8. Guy: “………… I dont like you…..”

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