I decided to jump right into chapter 2*, though I’ll probably draw and backdate a cover at some point**. And this is just a big page of “look I can too draw backgrounds” after all the blurry rubbish backdrops from the last chapter. Poorly lit flats are the worst.

I didn’t want to do anything lame like stick the location name in a box on the page, since I hope you’re all smart enough to realise this is, in fact, an entirely different place from the last scene. Please tell me you can see that. If not, I give up.

Anyway, the vote incentive is some concept art for Dakaia (the city) that I drew to try and get a feel for the different architecture, though I decided to pick a less blazing colour scheme for the final page.

Edit: Ahhhh! 😀 Lookit! Non-cow related RMR fanart. Awesome!

*Note from the future: This used to be the opening for chapter 2.
**Another note from the future: It’s 2013 and I still haven’t done this, somehow.


Page 82

11 thoughts on “Page 82

  1. Yes, this new panel definitely said “Istanbul” to me, not Glasgow.

    1. Or indeed Russia. 🙂

  2. Wow, that view over the roofs (reef?) (actually all the architecture) is fantastic.

  3. That guy’s clothing reminds me of the Jedi clothing in Star wars. 🙂

  4. Blinded by this sun.

  5. That first panel is just awesome. Wish i had your background painting skills! Interesting story too, gonna keep reading this… 😀

  6. Your landscapes/backgrounds are gorgeous, set the tone perfectly, and feel “real”, IMO.

  7. stunning.

  8. Gorgeous page

  9. It’s a shame this comic is not more known, it has one of the finest art and tone I’ve seen in webcomics.

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