Page 93

0 thoughts on “Page 93

  1. Oh. I know these smiles…
    Also I am still digging the lighting, just mentioning it again.

  2. I wonder how many people Ezius knows who died in the prior war. I wonder if he realizes how fragile the peace really is, and how close the two countries are to war.

    I wonder how Ezius can’t realize that, because anyone in a position of power… wait. Ezius asked if the rebel was the general/commander the captain was sent to retrieve the body of, so I think he was trying to disguise that he knew who killed who, and what happened.

    This is like a room of black powder filled with people juggling flaming torches. It’s poised to explode at any minute, and quite spectacularly when it does too.

    1. Yeah, I totally agree with you. I can’t wait for what Rose has in store for us next!

  3. I am now flashing back to the hilariously unexpected welcome party 😀

  4. The commander is looking rather concerned now. I wonder what he suspects? I wonder what the captain means when she says “screaming”? Does she mean he was quietly hostile, or that he was trying to warn her of something?

    I know it sounds silly, but sometimes I enjoy ambiguity. 🙂

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