Page 96

13 thoughts on “Page 96

  1. Fun times ahead!

    It actually doesn’t look much like a smile to me in the last panel. Just creepy lol.

    The guy in the incentive does look awesome. Beard or not, he is certainly nice to look at.

  2. Eek! I panicked momentarily when the voting icon wasn’t in its customary lefthand sidebar! XD

    1. Haha, calmmmm. XD All is well.

  3. I’ve been meaning to say, Red Moon Rising is such an awesome name. How did you think of it?

    1. That’s actually a really good question which I unfortunately have no good answer to. The story’s pretty much been called Red Moon Rising before there even was a proper story and it was just a hodge-podge of characters. I think [colour] [celestial body] Rising is a semi-common title, though, so I imagine I just absorbed it from popular culture somewhere years ago.

      1. So…. I could have something called Green Mars Rising, and it would be mostly normal?


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