Page 97

0 thoughts on “Page 97

  1. That first panel(or actually, is it technically the background?) of the building’s interior is just breathtaking. I’d say it’s well worth waiting for a new page if it is of this quality!

    1. Thank you for the vote of confidence! 🙂

    2. Ah yes, I knew it! Kelvingrove Art Gallery and Museum in Glasgow. If you’re ever in Glasgow, go and visit, it’s beautiful, the park surrounding it is beautiful, and it’s not far from Glasgow University, which is worth a visit as well (and from which I got my degree, and I’ll stop advertising now, I just love Glasgow)

  2. Beautiful page, definitely worth the wait. Just look at that lighting!! Saiamar seems undaunted by the corpse rolling by. Wonder why they’re in such a hurry to get that moved.

    Must be a stressful time in the UK right now…I hope things improve for you guys.

    1. Thanks, we certainly do live in interesting times.

  3. This page was worth the wait. Woooooowwwww /drools/

    Also thank you for the short note at the bottom! I always appreciate notes encouraging acceptance

    1. Thank you!

      I think the worst part of this referendum mess is the racists and xenophobes feeling emboldened by the result, as if everyone now agrees with them and they can finally be arses to immigrants in public. It’s a small gesture, but I think it’s important to be outspoken in rejecting this kind of twattery. This country’s home to a lot of different people, and no one should have to put up with this crap.

  4. The old lady looks oddly unfazed by all this ruckus going on. She seems really strong-minded!

    A comic-related question: will the Adrianna’s point of narration return soon, or is this part a totally different perspective? (If I had to chose, it’d be Saiamar’s). I hope it’s not a spoiler and you’ll be able to answer 🙂

    What interesting times we live in, sadly. But I hope it’ll turn out ok; many people are concerned about the situation in the UK.

    1. Ah, I’d rather not answer if that’s ok! I think whatever I say would be a spoiler, and I’m dithering over certain parts of the script right now which include this, so I’d hate to give a definite answer and change my mind later on.

      The situation here certainly is quite unusual. Something new seems to be tumbling out of the news cycle on a daily basis, which is a bit nerve-wracking. There’s a lot of tension here in Scotland especially, as a nation it’s hard to not to be dismayed by the result when the majority here didn’t vote for it.

      1. Ah, that’s totally fine. I’m even more intrigued, given that you already planned the ending of the whole story.

        Keep strong and positive! Cheers from Poland (we have all sorts of our own problems here…) 🙂

        1. Thank you very much! 🙂 There’s a lot of love in Scotland for Poland, I hope things are also ok over there.

  5. Thx, both for the update and for the reminder to behave and be nice to your fellow man. Europe is really having a hard time remembering its manners these days, so we need all the reminders we can get.

    1. Cheers! Yeah, this is something I feel quite strongly about.

  6. “Another weather mage…” What, is spontaneous death in their job description or something?

    Very beautiful art, again. I love the light filtering in through the ceiling.

    I am saddened to hear that the brexit has brought out the bad in people. Well actually I am saddened by the Brexit in general, idealistically and personally (if it means I now have to forsake my British citizenship in order to claim a European one). But it must be all much more tense for you who actually live there. I wish you strength.

  7. Hmm. How many lies and how many plots are spinning here? Are we seeing a stealthy incitement of a war, or a failing attempt to stop the war from starting again?

    Also: Brexit is complicated. I believe that the majority of people who voted to leave did so because the EU was growing too invasive and powerful, taking freedom and sovereignty where it should have never had power.

    Sadly, there are also some jerks in the mix who are making everyone look bad.

    Also: Still so many questions about who is plotting what in the Imaran territories, and when everything is going to collide and explode. The whole situation is a powder keg!

  8. That…that doesn’t look good. I guess we’re finding out just how badly a mage can suffer when they reach the limits of their powers. Poor soul. 🙁

    As usual, and you’re probably bored hearing it repeatedly, but that first/central panel is especially beautiful. Sometimes your art reminds me so much of the concept art for my favorite MMO (Guild Wars 2) that it’s uncanny. There’s probably a whole course on painting dedicated to showing detail without intricate line work, because I don’t know how to describe how impressive it is to see generalized (for lack of a better word) shapes providing so much depth and detail, even when I know that part of the magic is in the shading.

    P.S. My sympathies to you and yours in Scotland and the UK, but know that you are not alone. The whole world is going through “interesting times” right now, and it’s important to remember that despite all the turmoil, it will subside eventually. The interval of uncertainty between is always the toughest part to endure, and certainly the most exhausting.

    On a lighter note…. 🙂

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