Up and Running

0 thoughts on “Up and Running

  1. Awesome piece of art, great news about the website and I’m super excited about updates! And ’grats on the new tablet 😀

    1. Cheers! It’s a Wacom Cintiq and I AM VERY EXCITED ABOUT IT, aaaaaa

  2. Awesome piece of fan art, and soooo good to hear that you will be back soon! I can’t tell you how much I’ve missed seeing new pages of increasingly amazing artwork and formatting and speech bubbling and etc. etc…

    Anyhow, not a techie, so I gotta ask–what exactly was updated? The formatting and all seems to be the same–is it something to do with backend functionality?

    1. In the end, funnily enough, nothing was updated. The idea was to upgrade WordPress in order to increase stability and improve server load, but this prompted an upgrade to the new version of the Webcomic plugin, which it turns out was not a smooth upgrade and really messed with the site layout.

      We were just going to roll back the site to before the upgrade took place, until it turned out the server-side backups were gone, and in the end we had to use a backup I made in April (hence the missing comments) in order to get things up and running again.

      My host has dealt with the aforementioned stability/load issues in a more isolated fashion, so no more upgrades should be necessary, thankfully.

      I feel like I should give a big shout out to my host, Luis, who really worked flat out to get things sorted much faster than I could have possibly done on my own. Despite the data loss, the site is much more stable and future-proofed now, all thanks to him.

  3. Reminds me of that old song:
    “These boots were made for kickin’ and that’s just what they’ll do, one of these days these boots will kick your teeth all over you…”

  4. Kickass fanart, and so glad to see you’re back!

  5. WTF? That looks just like a webcomic page. Thanks Luis!!

  6. Yay! So glad everything is working again! 😀 So looking forward to new pages. Glad you’re back & feeling better, Rose!!!

  7. Hurrey, you’re back! Good to know that you feel better and the comic is back, it was a lot of waiting but worth it 🙂

  8. So pleased to see this, on so many levels!!! Best wishes. 😀

  9. Wahou, the art is sumptuous !!! Waiting for Friday !

  10. Yea! The sites back and the comic is back (soon)! can’t wait for updates this was one of the first comics I ever read and still is one of top favorites. Maybe its time to get around to finally ordering one of your prints for the office wall from the store, I’ve been meaning to do that for ummm awhile…

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