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“I mean, there was lightning and things. Come on.”
—Hey guys, just a small note to say updates may be a bit disrupted over the next couple of weeks. I was supposed to be moving to a new flat on Saturday, now it’s up in the air (new flat has damp, it turns out) so my housing situation is a little… nebulous? Basically packing and holding my breath at the moment. Ugghhh
0 thoughts on “Page 143”
Siamar certainly isn’t concerned with state secrets, is he…
. . .
Sorry to hear about your flat trouble, hope it resolves quickly. I guess if you’re not allowed to move in because of the damp, that at least means the owner wants to fix the problem?
Definitely not a normal storm. Oo And best of luck with your housing situation! Keep us posted if you can. 😉
Very interesting; an unusually powerful storm? Could it be magically induced or controlled? Or is it something more alarming, such as wild magic that no one expected or can counter? Many questions, Saiamar!
Good luck with the housing situation! Having a stable living space is necessary if you plan to do anything (moving is one of the most disruptive events in anyone’s life – even when it goes according to plan), so no worries at all about your schedule, and know that your readers appreciate knowing you’re okay and that updates will resume when the figurative (or literal) dust settles. 🙂
so refreshing to see the adults in the room actually sit down and have a meaningful conversation. The usual m.o. Is for hijinks to ensue, and it takes a hundred pages before character A imparts crucial information to character B.
Keeping my fingers crossed with the flat situation! :/
I hope things are going ok for you… is it still the housing trouble giving you grief?
Hey! Yes, though it’s mostly sorted now, finally. I’ve successfully moved as of a couple of days ago, but won’t have internet access at home for at least another week – I’m using a friend’s phone to write this comment, haha. Updates will resume either next Monday or the week after, fingers crossed.
Looking forward to it, but please don’t stress on our account! 🙂
Yes, we’re a patient lot. 😉 Hope your internet is sorted, I absolutely loath when I don’t have internet at my home…
I hope you’re doing okay, Rose! 🙂
Same here – regularly checking for updates…
Still checking! D:
So am I. Hope you’re ok!
Rose is ok guys, she just has a lot to deal with. Like Kickstarter rewards! 🙂 I have faith, Red Moon Rising will be back.:)
I know she’ll be back, just passing along well-wishes. Thanks for the update! 🙂
Happy New Year, Rose! And Happy New Year to all my fellow readers as well! 🙂
Lecgzak nodgeim
Yeah… Uhmmmmm…. Hallo? Is anyone home? HALLLOWWWWWW it’s 2018!
Rose responded to me on Twitter.
She’s doing fine, but she’s a little overworked from the Kickstarter. She said that Red Moon Rising will be returning soon though!
Thanks for the heads up! We’re all glad to hear rose is doing alright despite the silence.
We’ll be waiting here patiently c: I had begun to miss this comic, haha
Sigh, typical. Another webcomic that just ends. Shouldn’t be surprised, the author followed the usual pattern: Constant computer failures, looong gap between updates, university woes, job woes, “just rebuilding my buffer!”, brief Patreon panhandling, a Kickstarter, aaaaaaand dead. Never fails. Interesting world, beautiful art, bland characters. 5/10 passable but forgettable.
In case you hadn’t read the previous posts, the artist/creator is working on Kickstarter rewards right now in addition to paying her bills doing freelance work. She will resume as soon as she’s able. Then again, your commentary seems to indicate that you won’t even read this post, so your loss, not ours.
Thanks for telling it to them, Thracecius. 🙂
“PassinThru”, indeed, so fast they barely seemed to notice the quality of this work.
Yeah, they appear to be another one of those sad cases of people with an overly-keen sense of self-entitlement. Oh well. Their loss, not ours. 😀
It is possible to see the quality of this work & still lament the fact that the comic is essentially dead. I’ve been a fan of RMR since ~page7, but even I see the writing on the wall.
It’s been almost 9 months since this page was posted & 8 months since Rose last posted in the comments. Most comics don’t recover from that long of a hiatus. This isn’t the first long gap RMR has had, but I believe it is the longest.
It’s sad to see in most comics, but it’s worse when it’s a comic like RMR that has beautiful art & an enthralling storyline. I continue to check occasionally, but I have diminished hopes of the comic continuing.
PassinThru’s comments may be less than diplomatic, but that doesn’t mean he’s wrong about the unlikely revival of RMR. I wish Rose all the best, but I don’t expect to be reading new pages anytime soon, if ever.
Hi Rose.
I just wanted you to know that your webcomic helped me immensely last night. I am suffering from recurrent depressive disorder and well, last night was one of those sepcially hard ones. I tried to breake the downwards spirals in my mind by browsing some webcomics, when I saw an ad for RMR. I immediately was attracted to the artstyle and just gave it a shot. I don’t know how, but somehow your comic managed to capture my mind in a way that I was almost able to forgett for a few hours what was going on with me. You even managed to make me smile a few times. I just wanted you to know, that I am grateful to you for creating something that could give me some sense of comfort in a time I never even dared to hope to find it. But sometimes it’s the most random things that manage to breake the worst patterns.
Thank you so, so, much!
Hee Fone
Hi Rose, I’ve got to say. I really love this webcomic of yours from the bottom of my heart due to its superb story-line as well as creative characters. Speaking about characters, you stated that Adrianna & Lethe are half-siblings. So do they share the same father or mother?
At some point during the final hiatus of a web comic, it’s likely that the hiatus becomes so long the artist thinks, “I’ve let them down so much, I can never face them again.”
This is depression talking. I know it well. It’s not a voice you should listen to, though each passing moment may make it seem stronger and more certain.
There’s still an audience ready to watch, we still come here. Some of us are true diehards. I still check on Soup Comic. I think I have moved at least twice since the final post with snickerdoodles. This probably means nothing to you, as it has been showing a link to ‘cgi-bin’ for some months now. Alun has at least posted to his tumbler account a few months ago, so he’s probably still around.
I understand, if this needed to make money, it probably wasn’t pulling in enough to justify the time you spent on it. I’m not trying to convince you to sink more into a money drain if that’s your situation. But if you have a story to tell, there’s still people to tell it to.
If you’re fighting depression, remember that you come before the comic; take care of yourself and your needs first. We miss you and care about you, even though we never really got to know you. We don’t understand, of course, because we don’t know what you’re going through unless you tell us. But we appreciate what you have done for us, and accept what will be will be.
The entitlement in these comments is really something.
As a fellow creator I have intense appreciation for how much of her time and herself Rose has poured into this comic and I assure you that A) a break to square away the needful is not something any of us do lightly and B) Rose will be back at this eventually.
Thanks for saying it – I often get quite upset seeing some of the hostility directed to creators on hiatus. What a way to “encourage” a creator, seriously? But it cheers me to see the contuing support from most fans.
Anyhow, Rose *is* still working on RMR; the kickstarter project goes slowly, but it goes. I’m prepared to wait however long it takes – it’s worth it.
For many of us, it’s not entitlement or hostility. It’s sadness. We’re sad because very few comics come back from a 6 month hiatus. Even fewer come back from a hiatus that is over nine months. That’s not negativity, entitlement, or criticism, it’s just the facts.
Personally, I would love to see RMR return in triumph, with all the beauty & creativity that Rose has displayed for us. I would be happy to know that I was justified in keeping this lovely webcomic in my favorites & continuing to check in. I want to know what happens next with Rose, Siamar, Siamar’s kid, the rebels whose name I forget at the moment, Ezius, and everything else that Rose has brought to life for us.
Regarding your two points:
A. No reasonable fan thinks that a creator decides to go on hiatus lightly. We’re sad when they do, but most of us accept that this is a thing that happens form time to time. However, it’s been 8 months since she posted here, nine months since she posted on twitter or tumblr, and almost a year since she posted on Patreon. At this point I’d settle for closure.
B. Lacking any sort of supporting argument(i.e. you spoke to Rose recently via social media/email/at the local coffee shop), I find your statement both naively optimistic and nothing more than an opinion.
I’m sorry if my tone is less than diplomatic, but I dislike when would be defenders who rail at entitlement. It always feels as an attempt to shut down the filthy plebians for daring to voice uncomfortable thoughts.
I miss this comic and still hope it will return, but I hold no hope for it at this time.
Until I “hear” otherwise from Rose, I take it on faith that she is working to accomplish a monumental Kickstarter project that includes both a full printed version of the comic and an RPG sourcebook – both of which are being published by a company in a country foreign to her (Italy – Rose is in Scotland) and all that entails in communications. Considering she has to do freelance work to make ends meet even without the successful Kickstarter project, I’d say that nine months without an update is not only to be expected, but it would be unrealistic to expect another page to be posted until a month or two after the project has been shipped and he schedule returns to “normal”.
Aside from a couple of posts, I think most people have been supportive and understanding, which, from my perspective as a ‘regular Joe reader’, should be the normal reaction. Everyone has busy lives outside their online life with their work and family responsibilities, so adding on another layer of time spent creating, posting and maintaining a project the size of a comic/graphic novel is a major undertaking. Whether you understand the amount of time and labor that goes into a successful online comic or not, keep in mind that she has enough of a following to fund a Kickstarter project that is several thousand dollars/euros in scope. In my book, that’s pretty impressive for a “hobby” comic, even if you are a professional writer/artist for your “day job”.
Rose is a capable and professional artist trying to deliver on paying work and she will return as soon as she is able, and the best support you can offer her right now is to spare a few moments once in awhile to check-in on her body of work that she shares free of charge and offer a word or two of encouragement or appreciation. I counsel patience and gratitude if you truly enjoy her work, neither of which is easy to offer, but both of which will be greatly appreciated. 🙂
I want to stay optimistic, but I send Rose an email a few days ago (we corresponed that way a little bit, so it’s not completely new) just asking how is she and whether is everything ok, with zero response so far. I’m really worried.
Keep us updated on if you hear anything…that’s concerning. Hope everything is okay and we are all just being worrywarts.
Good news! Rose is alive and well! Just still very, very busy. I hope she will write on the site in some time, seems the challenge of the Kickstarter campaign wore her down a bit. It’s getting done, but we have to remember she is just one person and a freelancer.
Thanks! Glad to hear all is well! I don’t mind waiting as she is very busy, just wanted to make sure everything is okay.
Thank you for sharing the update, Grawuar, and I’m glad to hear she is okay. 🙂 It doesn’t surprise me that the project is more time-consuming than Rose expected, and that extra stress has no doubt impacted her health and sanity somewhat. The life of an artist is never easy!
While it is encouraging that Rose has replied to your email I find it strange that she is so busy that she can’t put a few words up here for all her fans.
Website: still up
Hope: still up
Thank you ! I was wondering if the autor was still alive or lost any accomodation.
Still, i think the same as Ivan : no words from her on her site for more than a year must have made part of her audience disappear.
Though I have never commented before I have been reading since the very early days, and will wait as long as you need us to wait to read more of your wonderfully crafted story! Worry not, there are readers who will spread the word as soon as you are ready to post more pages.
Nicely said. 🙂
Hah, didn’t notice comments where enabled here.
Good to hear Rose is okay, the radio silence has always had me worried, but hey, I know from my own fun with depression that things don’t always go as planned. And I’ve followed enough kickstarters to know how much time they can eat up for artists, denying them time for keeping webcomics up to date.
So a “good luck” from me, and here’s to Rose eventually getting back to posting comics, when she’s able to 😀
I was one of the backers of the RMR Kickstarter and Alephtar Games posted un update just recently (about 2 days ago) with a link to the first PDF download (1/3) of the graphic novel, which is over 100 pages long. At the end of it is a dedication from Rose to all her readers, fans, backers and especially to one of her friends who has helped her make the comic possible these past ten years.
The project is moving along, but there have been some unexpected challenges that slowed them down. Thankfully they are making progress and are confident they’ll be able to deliver, just not when they had originally planned. If I can remember to do it, I’ll copy and paste the update here after I get home from work today.
I discovered RMR about 2 days ago and read through everything. I really really love the artwork.
Re: hiatus. I’ve gone silent on a project sort of like this once, albeit one that wasn’t quite so awesome as RMR. I honestly don’t know if I’ll ever pick it up again (hopefully someday), because sometimes other stuff in life needs to take priority.
But, I just wanted to say, this is a damn good web comic.
C.A. Morgan
Happy Birthday, Rose! <3
Read the whole webcomics in four days (yeah, I know, I could have done better) for I’m interested in the aforementioned RPG setting (own the core game, couldn’t join the KS campaign but I’ll surely buy it once it’s out).
The art is wow, characters are good and I’m eager to see where the story is going.
Best wishes to the author!
Lily Moon
*peek* i sure hope life is ok. quiet little cheering section here for you still, even after over a year!
Last reaport was that she’s overloaded with work, but that she was still grinding through it. The good news is, I don’t think any of us are going anywhere without her. 😉
At least some status update by now wouldn’t hurt though.
I don’t disagree at all, but I also know that I’m in no position to even guess at what her life may be like at the moment. I’ve gathered that her financial situation hasn’t ever been very stable, let alone her health, so the demands of her first Kickstarter, on top of trying to do freeland work to keep a roof over her head, food in her belly, and still attempt to remain healthy enough to do anything, is a daily struggle.
For me, the quality of her work speaks volumes, and since I can peruse it at my leisure for free, I tend to be very forgiving when it comes to a lack of communication. This is not a for profit venture for her, so all I hope for at this point is that she has a chance to finish it properly at some point. Rose is aces in my book, incommunicado or otherwise. 🙂
Jo Michelle
Yup. Same. I’ll be checking in now and then, until either a new page appears, or this website shuts down. 🙂
*pokes with a stick*
I think it’s dead.
Nahhh, she’s gone away b4 fer long times n always comes bak. She’l b bak
Hey Rose, long time no see, but still lurking around from time to time – and still hoping to see new pages one day 😉
According to the latest Kickstarter update from the publisher that Rose is working with, they’re making progress with the RPG still, but she’s had to make some edits and it’s adding to the delayed schedule. Considering how long this process has gone on already, I don’t expect to see any new RMR pages until sometime after the book is finally completed.
Well… tomorrow it’s two years, isn’t it?
Still checking back on this webcomic from time to time just to re-read old pages and check for updates :’)
Hey, been reading since the first few pages came up years upon years ago. I keep hoping to see an update. Happy new year, folks.
Same. Been here since, dear god, 2008? Still check back once a month or so, and keep up with the nonsense Alephtar keeps “updating” with over on the kickstarter.
Still kicking around here! Wonder if the kickstarter is what’s been holding everything up.
So far as I have read, the Kickstarter has pretty much been a snowballing litany of delays and disappointments. I try not to think too hard about it, because it’d be easy to fall into the trap of being angry, but the reality is, there’s nothing we can do as backers except be patient. The last estimate I recall reading said it might be December 2020 when orders will start fullfilling, but it wasn’t a solid date and I’m not going to hold my breath in expectation.
Between trying to make ends meet with commissions and working on content for the Kickstarter project, I’m sure that Rose has had quite enough on her plate without me bugging her as a Patreon/Kickstarter backer. I miss her updates though, both the blog and comic, but I understand some things just don’t go how we plan. I can be patient and her art and writing is worth the wait in my opinion.
Kickstarters have a long history of screwing things up for webcomic creators– they always end up being so much more work than you expect, and then for it to be a game besides? A game developed by this company that doesn’t seem to understand basic timekeeping and core tenants of running a business? It’s a lot.
I do miss Rose and her updates as well– she deleted her Twitter (it looks like) and her other online accounts have been dark for a long time. I hope she’s been doing well and I hope the comic hasn’t become a kind of albatross for her. It’s always been one of my top reads, and I’m looking forward to the day I have the first volume in a physical copy (and I hope it won’t be too much to think that maybe by then she’ll have returned here again).
Ah no, not a deleted twitter, but a new Twitter handle 🙂
On the off chance that this comment will be read – Red Moon Rising was a formative experience for me. I started reading it when I was a teenager, and I still find myself thinking about it every so often. Really in love with the world and the characters. Whether it updates again or not, I’ll still think fondly of it. 🙂
Great post.
Hmm is anyone else encountering problems with the images on this blog loading?
I’m tryin to determine if its a prfoblem on my end or iff it’s the blog.
Any feed-back would be greatly appreciated.
site match match bets
As my wanderings set upon yet another internet story left to the wayside, I will shed a tear for the artistic struggle yet again.
Dead as bricks.
Silent night,
quiet night,
no updates
are in sight.
For the fourth year
We’re waiting here.
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