Chapter: Part 1 - Chapter 2
Oh, right. Other people. Judging youuuu. I think it might be worth saying that I haven’t actually drawn a proper map for the world of Red Moon Rising (at least, not recently), so the one on the wall may or may not be grossly inaccurate. I guess I can always go back and retroactively change it.
I’m in the process of making some changes to page 56, which includes flipping most of the third panel, so on the off-chance anyone was wondering about the incongruous placement here of the figures shown on that page… there you go! I’ll probably update it along with tomorrow’s page*. I was going to do it today, but I don’t want to delay posting this page while I work on it.
*Note from the future: I never ever got around to doing this.
Behold! Powers of persuasion at work! It occurred to me earlier that if Adrianna were a D&D character she would have the charisma score of a rock. And probably the wisdom score of a rock, too. Actually, she really would be a pretty rubbish D&D character overall. …good thing this isn’t an RPG.
Still sick! But getting better. Tomorrow’s page should be up a bit earlier than the last few have been, too.
Cheese it, it’s the feds. And hey, look, it’s that guy who was in the opening scene, now in a different scene! Amazing. Maybe they’ll even interact in the next page or something.
I’ve come down with some sort of cold which I blame entirely on my flatmates since I never go outside. I’ll probably be pushing forward the update time of the rest of this week’s pages from midnight BST to 8am BST, depending on how much I feel like I’m dying while sitting at a computer.
Page 45*! That’s three quarters of the way to Baconnaise! Yeaaaahh! It’s nearly the halfway point of this month of weekday updates, and it’s not been nearly as harsh as I thought it would be. If anything, it’s made me realise how much time I spent before looking at pointless twaddle on the internet. Once June is over I’ll probably settle into a Monday/Wednesday/Friday schedule and get working on some extras for the site, such as the long overdue cast page and some vote incentives that aren’t rubbish.
*Note from the future: This was originally page 45.
The sketch for the last panel initially had a cat scribbled in at the bottom because I thought she looked an awful lot like a crazy cat lady there. Unfortunately it didn’t make it in to the final version. I think I’m slowly getting a better handle on my character designs too, Adrianna’s finally starting to look the way I want her to, especially her damn nose.
New vote incentive! It’s the inks for tomorrow’s page, sans text so you can all have fun figuring out alternative dialogue or something.
With this post I’m finally getting to make good use of the scheduling feature for the first time in a couple of months, since I actually finished this page more than 15 hours in advance of the deadline. Hooray! Greetings from the past! Though there’s something a bit wrong with being able to hit my deadlines more efficiently when I’m updating far more frequently.
So hay what is the future like guys are there hovercars?