Page 10

0 thoughts on “Page 10

  1. Saimar looks slightly startled when he recognizes him.
    I guess this won’t be a pleasant conversation at all.
    Because Saimars rescueing of Lethe triggered that clusterf* and
    Imara is probably worse off because of it.

    Nice to see you are giving your cahracter rest there.

    And GOSH the lights. Congratulations.

  2. Spiffy hair.

    And I’m really loving the effect of these thick lines and blurred watercolors.

  3. Distinct pimp feel.

  4. More like Godfather Ezius.

  5. Ezius looks a bit like an older version of Lethe.

    Also starting to like the new style more and more.

  6. People, vote on TWC!

    It´s a new month – everything starts from zero, so VOTE!

  7. It’s the lovechild of Rod Stewart and Tim Curry!!!
    I knew they had it in them!

  8. I had forgotten how awesome Ezius was, right from his first appearance. The way he’s just lounging on the bench. And how he shoos away Lady Busybody.

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