Page 159

0 thoughts on “Page 159

  1. i imagine the voting incentive involves a bear with sharks for arms and cannons for legs

  2. I wish you a great dollop of good luck with your uni studies/exams – I remember this time of year as the “cramming season” from my uni days.

  3. Pfft, I LOVE the rainbow unicorn vote incentive. It makes me laugh every time I vote.

    Man, other Universities must get out a lot later than mine did. Everyone’s always saying how May is a horrible month because of deadlines. This year, tomorrow is the last day of EXAMS. I graduated 3 years ago, and we never went into May. Ever.

    1. Oh, and I think this is my favorite page yet. I definitely squinted for a while, trying to decipher what he might’ve said..but yeah, I don’t think that’s possible 😛

      Also, I’ve been secretly creeping on and voting for your comic for a few weeks >_> Now I’m commenting! Yahoo!

  4. AHAH, nice vote incentive. Was it drawn on something like MS Paint?

  5. Good luck dear! I don’t miss the time before college graduation one iota!

    If you can keep updates coming during that time – lovely and thank you. If you can’t, we’ll be here waiting for when you get back. 😉

    (Ok it the person in the comic panel who I think it is?…)

  6. Is… is it… Arakune?

    (Watch as nobody gets the BlazBlue reference)

    1. Haha, nice. I knew that kind looked familiar.

      Gotta say, this looks really cool. Makes my eyes hurt a little but I suppose they would in that situation anyway.

  7. Well, hey, school comes first. I’d rather you didn’t update at all throughout may, and pass. 🙂

  8. Work hard, you can do it Rose!

    Also your incentive is super cool. When you said imagine something, I was imagining Ironman fighting a bear. (THis is an image I have not found anywhere obvious on the internets, but is something that would be epic.) But that first draft… wow!

  9. That is exactly what I did! Except for April. 8 pages done, uploaded, and scheduled! It is possible! Lack of sleep inevitably ensues, but results in much peace of mind 🙂

    Don’t worry about vote incentives. I vote for you anyways without them, and I’m sure everyone above does too!

  10. This page wants me to read from the start all over again 😀 *loves*

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