150*! That seems like some sort of landmark or something. It’s a pretty nice even number. Yeahhhh! *klaxon*

The more eagle eyed among you may have noticed the new Extras tab suddenly popping up sometime on Tuesday. There’s currently 1(one) wallpaper in there for all your wallpapering needs. Ooooo! I think I covered most of the resolutions you lot’ll be wanting (google analytics saves the day), but if you want it in a resolution not available, just drop me an email and I’ll post it up for you. *klaxonklaxonklaxon*

*Note from the future: This was originally page 150.


Page 166

0 thoughts on “Page 166

  1. D: Is she okay? Are they going MIA? So many questions!!! Yarglesnarfleupigus!

    1. Well gee, I guess you’ll just have to keep reading. (Such was my diabolical plan all along)

  2. And she’s looking at him grabbing her arm like, “What do you think you’re doing?”

  3. Story… progressing… too slowly! Unhealthy obsession unsatiated!… BUT THE ARTWORK IS SO AMAZING! IT’S TEARING ME UP INSIDE!

    I DON’T KNOW WHAT TO FEEL ANYMORE! *Girlish screams*

    1. Someday, you’ll look back at this archive and laugh…

      …or maybe you won’t, depending on whether or not you explode in the next ten seconds.

      Yay extras tab! Adrianna is amazing in the second panel. 😯

  4. I’ve been following RMR since nearly the beginning (thanks to Shawn @ Clockworks IIRC), and I have to say that your artwork is improving all the time. This has to be my favorite page so far by leaps and bounds. I wish the story moved a little faster (but that’s my complaint of all webcomics 😉 ) but the desire to see the next bit of art is starting to eclipse the need to get more story. Keep up the great work.

    1. Very glad to hear that, cheers. 🙂 I’m always trying out new tools and techniques, the aim is to make the each page a bit better than the next. I’m not sure how it reads all in one go with the art shifts, but I think I’d get bored otherwise. Plus I’m not sure I could push the pacing more than I currently am, so I’m glad the art makes up for it a bit!

  5. ah! finally caught up to the story….. I discovered your comic either through dA or another comic (can’t remember, but it doesn’t matter now) and reading through it has been an addicting and great way to spend the first few days of summer. I was captured by your coloring style and it got even better when I found out you had enjoyable characters (Yes, even Adrianna the grouch) and a moving plotline! YES! I can’t wait for more updates, and congrats on surviving your dissertation and all the school stuff that threatened to swallow you alive.

    1. Hey, thanks! Always happy to have a new reader, glad it managed to draw you in. 🙂 Hopefully there should be more updates more frequently now that said horrendous dissertation and whatnot are finished. Cheers!

  6. “Go?”

    “Yes, we must go on an epic quest to find our magic-fueled squirrel ancestors and fight to overcome large gaps and abysses everywhere!”

    “….didn’t think I’d hit him that hard….”

    1. Look at how far they’ve come in 100 pages: page 50, and she was wapping him upside the head.

  7. New reader here and all I can say is: I’ve just read every page and now…. this….. wants more!

  8. “We must go … to a church. To get married!!”

    Yes. That is what must happen. =D

    Also … what is this klaxon?

  9. Your character’s body language is awesome, I’ll repeat that. Each of the expressions is a little complementary detail to the course of the conversation. I just realized now that’s the purpose of expressions. Your comic has taught me what expressions are supposed to do.

    He heh, our MC is tired and disoriented for the whole duration of the intrigue or whatever it is. Good timing.

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