Page 190

0 thoughts on “Page 190

  1. Good to hear you’re safe from the natural disaster I wasn’t even aware of… sorry’ I’ve been more intrested in those massive Russian fires that could send up a buttload of radiation and satiate my unhealthy obsession with the post apocolyptic. Believe me, parents are the only wall between me becomming a full up survivalist… well that and my increadible lazyness… That was quite the tangent.


  2. I seeee a red moon arising!
    I see a neat steam train on the way 😀
    I see Renshous face is frightning
    I see good times on the way.

    (sing to “CCR-Bad Moon Arising”)

    Nice page 😀

  3. wandering-dreamer

    Lol, not exactly the photo you want to hang above your bed is it?

  4. I love the transition from flashback to realtime.

  5. What a lovely pic to be remembered by. I

  6. Oh dear. Not the best photo for memory, I think.

    – – – – –

    Well, I’m a christchurcher, here, and so I *was* caught up in the earthquake. I live on the hill, though, so escaped the worst (most of the city, built on a drained swamp, is vulnerable due to the soil liquifying). Just a load of furniture got thrown about and the cat went missing for a day. But we had power and water back by the next night. Seen some really impressive mess in the city, though.

    1. Another significant comment for history, though nothing to do with the comic. September 2010. How little did we Christchurchers know what was soon to happen. 🙁

  7. Awesome transition back! And I love the photo- that’s a facebook un-tag if I’ve ever seen one.

  8. ahahaha her face is great! awesome page ^___^ love this comic!

  9. Hope you get well soon, Rose and that you start getting acclimated post haste.

  10. I was born in NZ, hope you enjoy the experience!

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