Page 264

0 thoughts on “Page 264

  1. Oh my god. Fourth panel Adri. SO MUCH LOVE

    Weelllll the next couple pages will be interesting.

  2. Lethe uses Surprise. It’s super effective!
    OK, i guess Lethe is quite surprised, too.
    Nice portrait of Adrianna!

  3. This is great! So glad you’re back! Or mostly back, as the case may be…

  4. Get well soon!
    Oh and… Awesome page!

  5. Hm. Conflicting interests here- Adrianna wants to see her brother, Lethe wants to give the information hard drive thing to Renshou, Galak&Co want the hard drive thing.

    Drama! 😀

  6. She doesn’t want to let on that its him. -Will he know to avoid her?
    Another impossible distance… more crackling, dangerous tension.
    Really beautiful lighting.
    Sorry you’re a statistic again (on your b’day, too! this must be worth extra-gold, get-out-of-jail, cosmic-karma credit!) but at least you’re NOT taking unicycle lessons.

  7. …Galak with his hair back? 8D!

    Also, I love the fourth-panel pic of Adrianna, especially the lighting. Love love love.

    1. I kind of want to see that, too.

  8. Sister Dearest! Excitement and Apprehension!!
    Finally Adrianna again – i really started to miss her. 🙂

  9. Rhea is looking beautiful. Really, really beautiful.

  10. I want to see Galak’s hard drive.


  11. I’ll offer the same advice I offer all ill webcomicers. One of these Will work.
    There’s 3 levels of cure depending on how desperate the person is
    Level 1 (Common Sense): Lemon water, hot, and lots of sleep, nyquil-induced or otherwise.
    level 2 (Uncommon Kamikaze): Booze till asleep, puke cold out with hangover.
    level 3 (I don’t care if a die just END IT): A little bit of Rock and Rye, soft peppermint candy, teaspoon of honey. Mix it all together in a glass, set in a pot of boiling water until it’s lukewarm, chug it get to bed before you pass out, you’ll wake up like you were never sick.

    1. Can’t count how many times I’ve used your level 2 cure actually….

      In fact, Lethe looks like the kind of character to do that too, just remember his apartment from Chapter 1.

    2. You forgot HEAT. Like a hot bath, or sauna.

  12. And now we wonder just how many invisible assassins are standing right there, between our protagonists… or protagonist and antagonist, Adry being what she is 😀

  13. It’s 16 degrees outside right now, and I’ve got a broken window that sucks the heat out of my room like a vacuum. I’m not sick, and I know your pain.

    By the way there’s something I really like about your two main protagonists, and their sibling relationship. Kind of reminds me of the distance between my brother and I, but there’s still always a kind of mutual feeling of love between us even if we don’t agree all the time.

    Well, anyway.. your comic is perfect as always. Just get better, and try to stay warm!

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