Page 3

0 thoughts on “Page 3

  1. Man, this guy is still alive? Maybe he’ll recover after all… If he wakes up.

    Also: this style looks very nice! *a nod of approval*

  2. Sooo. Arianne grew a beard?

    Danil? No big amounts of scar-tissue in the face…
    Lethe is dead, and the neck looks kinda okay.

    Is that really Saimar?
    A shimmer of hope in RMR?
    *slow clap* but judging by how hope is treated in RMR a big stone is going to fall on his head any minute now.

    Glad to have you back Rose. I am enjoying the artwork immensely.

  3. I’m betting he recovers enough to have a heart attack when he learns his wife was murdered.

    Your website doesn’t say you update on Thursdays now either. =)

  4. …aaaand RMR slowly starts to climb up the TWC ranking. Maybe a new voten incentive could help to boost this? 🙂

  5. So, out of the ashes… a new beginning?
    Into the fire, more like.

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