Page 30

0 thoughts on “Page 30

  1. Oh my gosh… This page is gorgeous! I love the light, perspective… And the mess in this room gives it a very comfy feel.

    After staring for a while I noticed a globe. Are you going to make a map of a whole RMR world some day? That may be interesting, especially if the story takes us in much farther locations.

  2. Wow – it is impressive! Your work was worth it!

  3. Who left the lights on again?

  4. …This doesn’t have anything to do with Danil’s being dead, does it? It probably does.

  5. It is a gorgeous page! And I second wanting to see a map of the RMR world. 🙂

  6. Complain all you want about rendering the perspective, but you pulled it off nicely.

  7. Other than how awesome the perspectives and angles look on this page, I won’t make a peep of it. :v

  8. I just realized it’s been over a year since we’ve seen Adrianna&Co. Are they still alive?

    1. Urrr, that’s a depressing statistic, I hadn’t realised it’s been so long. At any rate, in the spirit of avoiding spoilers, I’ll just say tentatively yes, they are alive. For the moment!

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