Page 38

0 thoughts on “Page 38

  1. This is one of my favorite pages EVER. It’s just so realistic how she fidgets angrily with the blade for a moment, and then lets it drop onto the map. The second panel is just so appropriate to wrap this chapter up. It’s quite harsh and foreboding, I should say. And of course, the last panel is simply amazing.

    And I wish you luck with the moving. Moving sucks. .-.

  2. Good luck with the moving. Always a bother.

    When moving hosters you might reduce the DNS SOA TTL beforehand (say, divide the time values by 24) and up it to the old values somewhere after. Also helpful if something goes awry.

  3. Moving is fun. Just regard it as a little adventure. A bit of lifting, a bit of hauling, a bit of tetris to get everything into that lorry or van, fun times with friends. And a new flat is something to look forward to. Also, it’s a great chance to get rid of some accumulated junk.

  4. Best of luck with the move!! Hope everything goes smoothly.

  5. DOWN goes the knife, UP goes the ship. SO SATISFYING. Thanks, I needed that.

    Hope this flat has nice reliable heat. Advice you don’t need, rest breaks and water you do . . . ;D

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