Page 55

0 thoughts on “Page 55

  1. KLUNK! Gosh. Those aren’t nice people.
    A Chapter End!
    Earlier today I thought I was CAUGHT IN A TIME-WARP after being mysteriously transported back to 2009. YOU can say it was a server malfunction, but I’m sticking by the TIME-WARP thing because it sounds cool and I get to wear my Chrono-Static goggles now, ready for the next time!

  2. Eh, don’t worry about page messups: I’m just happy to see a new page. : )

  3. Nuuuuuu Galaaaaak :V

  4. Thok, thok, ghk, klunk…
    Damn, good that it’s the end of the chapter, ’cos you’d run out of sound effects 🙂

  5. ahhhhh I spy a red moon ;u;

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