Page 92

0 thoughts on “Page 92

  1. drafting her back in? like in “back to the army”?…uhm, its just curiousity…but will sh wear one of those uniforms?…cause it would probaly look good but at the same time strange combined with her red hair…*coughs*but I’d real like to see it*cough*

    1. Yes, and yes. 🙂 If it helps, I did a painting (posted up a while ago as a vote incentive) that has her in a military uniform and is supposed to be about eight years before the start of the comic. Not really the same as Danil’s uniform, but he is a colonel, he gets all the fancy stuff.

      1. I like it o0
        and everybody knows: fancy capes are the doom of everyone, they get stuck, you stumble over them… you don’t need capes and fancy stuff^^

  2. Woo conscription ^^ She seriously does not looked chuffed at being dragged back into military life. I like where this is going though, more interaction between her and Danil/Galak is always fun, especially when it involves some random beatdowns.

  3. Gorgeous work. (Also, loving the new cast page! *high five*) Keep it up, Rose, you are seriously the kickassest of comic artists that I know. 😀

  4. I love her expression in the last panel.

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