For a three panel page this took a stonking amount of time. On the plus side, look at that airship! It took longer to paint the airship than everything else on the page put together, probably because I am rubbish at drawing airships (and in retrospect, perhaps a steampunk setting was a bad choice as a result) but hey, I am pretty proud of that airship. You can disagree, but I’m going to stick my fingers in my ears and pretend I can’t hear you. La la la.
Also, I completely forgot to bitch about this on the Monday update, but my hard drive imploded over the weekend. I seem to recall saying a while ago that I must have run out of hardware that could possibly break, but apparently that was a giant lie. On the plus side, it was the hard drive that had my Windows install on it and nothing else, and I was able to attain a replacement hard drive from helpful friends, so all’s well in the end.