Yeah, weilding god-like powers of destruction to crush some random enemy footsoldier is no fun without an audience…
* * *
It occurred to me, seeing this page, that Ezius seems to have styled his hair and beard to exaggerate his already thin and bladelike face. Guess he just really likes standing out from the crowd.
0 thoughts on “Page 125”
Yep. Ezius is definitely my favorite charicter. No one does bad-ass like this guy.
The poor boy only wanted to be a martyr when he grew up.
The terrible fear of every paranoid is that no one really cares much. Sorry.
Yes, Yes, we’re watching ! and we all want to know what will happen next !
Yeah, weilding god-like powers of destruction to crush some random enemy footsoldier is no fun without an audience…
* * *
It occurred to me, seeing this page, that Ezius seems to have styled his hair and beard to exaggerate his already thin and bladelike face. Guess he just really likes standing out from the crowd.