Chapter: Prologue
And that’s a wrap for chapter 2*! Chapter 3 will start promptly on Monday, along with a big announcement. Hopefully there’ll be some sort of cover for chapter 3 up between then and now, but considering chapter 2 doesn’t have a cover page yet… you probably shouldn’t hold your breath.
Additionally, Red Moon Rising has joined the Rampage Network! Among other things, this means there’s a forum now, which is a rather scary proposition for me since I don’t like forums too much and I’m also almost certain I don’t have enough readers to support one er, awesome. As a solution, I’m going to go with what I know best and start posting sketches and stuff up over there to try and lure people over.
And the new vote incentive is an image of Lethe I did for a banner ad recently that no one will probably ever see because it is a well wonky size.
*Note: This was originally the end of chapter 2.