One final thing is that I’m considering setting up a Patreon campaign for Red Moon Rising, and I could do with some reader feedback on the matter.
For those of you not aware, Patreon is a service somewhat similar to Kickstarter, except that instead of pledging once to fund a time-limited project, you would be pledging a small amount of money to RMR per comic page. In essence you would be sponsoring the comic. There’s a pretty good run down of it over here.
The main goal is to replace the site’s ad income with reader donations, because the ads are ugly, they slow down the site, and are occasionally a security risk to boot. I hate having advertising on here, and would dearly love to completely remove it.
So right now what I’m wondering is this: what kind of extra content would you like to see in exchange for pledging money like this? I have a few things in mind like chapter PDFs, wallpapers, stuff like the soundtrack when it comes out, possibly art livestreams if I can get my connection to co-operate. But mainly I’m looking for ideas at the moment! What would interest you?