Chapter 11 – Cover

0 thoughts on “Chapter 11 – Cover

  1. That… is… AWESOME! Love the textures __> heheh. But awesomenessss


  3. YAY!!! chapter 12

  4. Maître d’

    And finally, monsieur, a wafer-thin mint.

  5. Brought up the page and went “Oh my god there’s an arm!” …then I realized it was metal. Still, freaked me out. That looks really cool though. Great work with the textures and suchlike.

  6. …Why is the arm giving us the shocker?

    1. Cause it’s so subtle it tricks the mind into thinking it’s something big.

      1. From Wikipedia:

        The shocker, also known colloquially as “two in the pink, one in the stink”[1][2] is a hand gesture with a sexual connotation. The ring finger and thumb are curled or bent down while the other fingers are extended. The index and middle fingers are kept together (touching) and the back of the hand faces outwards (away from the gesturer). The gesture refers to the act of inserting the index and middle fingers into a vagina and the little finger into the unwitting receiver’s anus, hence the “shock”.

  7. They took the finger that matters most! D:

  8. Glad to see Jerry Garcia gauntlets are all the rage here at RMR. >:P

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