Sorry for the delay on this page, it ended up being a lot more complex than I anticipated, plus there’s a coursework deadline frenzy going on for university right now. Let’s just say I am proper looking forward to graduating. Anyway, I’m glad I got to do one more of these painted pages, since I think my painting’s really improved since the last one back on page 111. Feels like forever ago!

Also, due to lots of whiny people popular demand, I’ll be keeping the Sentinel concept art in the archive for a while longer*. It’s almost like you guys like my art or something crazy like that pffffttt

*Note from the future: I forgot to remove these bits of art from the archive for like two years or something after this, but I did get rid of it eventually. You can see the four pieces here, here, here and also here.


Page 128

0 thoughts on “Page 128

  1. Hey there,

    I just followed the link to your page from Zach Weiner’s SMBC and then couldn’t help going through every page of your comic. I think your work is great!

    You should totally high-five Zach at the next occasion.

    1. Hey, thanks! I wasn’t sure how many people coming from SMBC would like my comic, since Red Moon Rising is such a different kettle of fish to SMBC. Glad to see at least a few people are enjoying it, though. 🙂

      And I totally will, it was very kind of him to link me and the other comics like that. Made my day!

  2. Hi, I too came here via SMBC, and I too read through your archive, I love your work and have you bookmarked so I can keep up with the story. I like the way you unfold the story. Very nice.

    If everyone who comes here from SMBC, and likes your art, goes through your whole archive, then you’ll have a huge server load the coming weekend. Good luck and keep painting, you’re awesome!

    1. Thank you, glad to have you around. 🙂 I was actually a bit concerned about the server load since my hosting isn’t the most robust thing ever, and I wasn’t expect a huge traffic spike any time soon. It seems to be handling it ok, though. Phew.

  3. also came from SMBC, and agree, your artwork is terrific. The story is interesting now too, but the artwork was what kept me going for the first number of pages in the archive when not much was happening.

    1. Cheers for pushing through the archive, I know the story is a bit of a slow burner. Looking back I’d probably try and figure out a way to make the beginning more punchy, but it’s done now and I’d rather focus on new pages. Hopefully it’s picked up a bit for you as you went through. 🙂

  4. Indeed, Also found my way on over from SMBC and went through your archives, I love your art style, it’s inspiring!

    1. Thank you! Though I think your username is at least as inspiring as my art style.

  5. I also meandered over from SMBC and I pretty much agree with everyone above. I went through the archives and I am totally enamored with your art style and on top of that, I’m not usually a fan of sci-fi-y steampunk comics but this one has peaked my interests. Sooo, I guess what I’m saying is hi and I’ll be adding this to my regular webcomics.

    1. Thanks! I like to think RMR isn’t typical of the genre, as most steampunk makes me grind my teeth. Jaunty victoriana just isn’t my bag.

  6. urrrr …

    Yeah. another one from SMBC. and i too read your entire archive. and also think it’s really good “stuff”. humpf.

    bottoms up, this is one of the best webcomics iv’e seen (iv’e seen quite afew).

    1. Thanks, man! That’s a hell of a compliment.

  7. Yet another person who wandered over from SMBC. I love, love, LOVE your style.

    After you graduate and get some time back, would you pretty please consider posting a couple of tutorials about your style on DeviantArt or something? I’m going crazy trying to figure out how you got some of those amazing textures on your digital work. Everything looks like a brilliant watercolor, and I can never get watercolors to work right for me. Fiddling with it in Photoshop would probably let me *get* somewhere next time I get to play with watercolors.

    Darn paints and their lack of an undo button. 🙂

    Your stuff’s great, I’m going to bookmark this page. Thank you for the comic!

    1. Thank you! I really am pleasantly surprised by how many SMBC readers are leaving comments. Great to hear from you all. 🙂

      I’d definitely consider doing some art tutorials. It’s something I’ve had way at the end of my to-do list for quite a while, and demand seems to be steadily growing. I like sharing my techniques with other people, makes me feel useful. 🙂 I don’t think I’ll have time to do one (as you say) until after I’ve graduated, but if you have any specific questions feel free to email me and I’ll do my best to answer.

      Watercolours are tricky… They’re one of my favourite natural mediums (after coloured pastels), but I still much prefer Photoshop. Probably that whole undo key thing, plus being able to paint over your mistakes. I think I’m a bit too sloppy to really make the most of watercolours.

  8. From SMBC as well, i just read through your entire comic. i really love your artwork, its very unique and interesting.

  9. Yes, yes, another fan directed your way from SMBC. And yes, like the others I absolutely love your art style. It is super inspiring, and your landscapes and cityscapes are breathtaking. I would honestly buy a book filled with these types of shots done by you. I’ve read through the archive, and I am hooked. Can’t wait for the next update!

    1. I’m poking around at the possibility of doing a book, but chances are it wouldn’t be for at least another year. That’s very kind of you to say, though, thank you!

  10. O hai — this is way bad-ass. Everything I wanted to say has already been said (including, yes, you have Mr. Weinerstein to thank for my comment here), so I won’t bother with that and I’ll let you get back to writing more of your AMAZING COMIC. 😀

    1. Seems like Zach has netted me a large chunk of new readers… I think I owe him a beer or two now. Thank you!

  11. Damn Kyethn; apparently it kicks ass having a friend at SMBC! Congrats on all your new readers

    1. Clearly! I only chatted with Zach very briefly, but he was extremely nice and knowledgeable, and him linking to everyone in the chat was quite unexpected.

  12. Also from SMBC. I rather enjoyed the comic so far: breezed through it yesterday night. The writing is well done and the art is outstanding. I especially enjoy how real each of the characters are, like when Adriana spooked Galak.

    Very lovely.

    1. Thank you, glad you’re enjoying it. The characterisation is one of the most important aspects of the comic for me, so I’m glad it’s working for you.

  13. Awesome art on this page. I meant to say that when you published it, but I forgot ;). Well, overall awesome art at the moment really!

  14. This page is poetry.

  15. Kinda stupid to comment on this page but I couldn’t leave it hanging. This isn’t art, this is pure awesomeness.
    Cheers from belgium btw.

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