Page 193

0 thoughts on “Page 193

  1. I love the insignia.

    I hope they don’t catch hypothermia… It look rather cold wherever they are. “Hypothermia falls. Everyone dies.”

  2. I just love how Bracken appears out of nowhere.

    “Sorry for trying to kill you, have a cup of hot coffee as an apology!” *disappears again*

    1. lmao yes, the *dissapears again* part is the best. XD I imagine him shifting slowly away backwards without turning around.

  3. *coffee cup enters picture*
    Me: hm, maybe they want a more accurate example and spill HOT coffee over an unsuspecting civilian.
    *Bracken is just being nice*
    Me: That dork, an *I am sorry for nearly killing you* would have sufficed.

    I am enjoying the recent pages (and the vote incentives :D)

    (uhm, is it just me, or do the scratches on her face disappear from time to time?)

  4. Such friendly kidnappers they are… I like that Adrianna is keeping up her snark, though.

    – – –

    regarding time zone differences and webcomics: Now you see what I have to remember every time I see a webcomic’s update schedule. Red Moon Rising, to me, updates Tuesdays and Fridays.

  5. I’ve said it before, I’ll say it again: I love how you approach the characters and their realistic reactions. The coffee cup situation is both rare and delightful in a story, at least in how well it has been taken care of.

  6. Don’t drink it! IT’S A TRAP!

    Okay, to be honest, the whole, “Sorry for trying to kill you” thought is exactly what popped into my head upon seeing this (I haven’t had time to comment, and now I see multiple people have the same idea).

  7. So that’s where Bracken was. How kind!

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