Page 241

0 thoughts on “Page 241

  1. Oh my goodness that is so damn amazing looking that I had to say it out loud.
    …I wanted to make this comment a little more substantial but I can’t think of anything good to say that isn’t a proposal so I’m just going to stand over there and fail for a bit.

    1. Haha, thank you. 🙂

  2. Wow. This page is jaw dropping!!

  3. WOW… That’s all I can really think of to say.

  4. I was so absorbed by the awesomeness of this page that it took me a while to realize that there were no glass pieces flying around… But I think they’re not even necessary! This page rocks!!!

  5. Now the question is.. which hurt worse? Breaking threw the metal(?) window-fencing, or the wind-magic induced hole in the arm? or, the sudden stop when she falls onto whoever, or whatever is under her? =)


    wow. prints?

  7. I’d love a wallpaper of this page…

    1. Agree with people above XD This page = WIN. Also wallpaper and/or print would be awesome.

  8. Prints? How about a poster?! Awesome.
    And what a funky-looking place she’s come to.
    Looks a bit like a monastery, arrow-slits and all… of course, there’s no floor for the people using the arrow slits to stand on so it’s a fashion statement, obviously.
    Could it be from the ashes and into the fire? Wait, that’d put her in her element again 😉

  9. I can imagine the peoples faces in the room…

    Suddenly – Adrianna.

    And a broken window.

  10. I agree with everyone else! this definitely needs to become a wallpaper!

    and i would totally buy a Red moon rising poster of this. like a full sized massive poster to hang on my wall. and i would definitely be willing to pay good money for it. this page is amazing.

  11. Window crashing:
    Increasing awesomeness of a fight scene since the very invention of the glass windows.

    Awesome page (would not mind a wallpaper too)

  12. Nice. enjoy this page a lot =)

  13. O.M.G. <3<3<3

  14. And now I remember once again, why I love this comic and its creator… not that I could possibly forget. HA! FIGURE THAT STATEMENT OUT!

  15. “I do think my sweet lady that this is a terrible knock-knock joke.”


    Also, this page is beautiful. Since the very first comment nailed down my feelings too, I don’t have much to add. Keep up this awesomeness!

  16. What a beautiful, beautiful page! I’ve never commented here before, but I couldn’t help but comment on the beautiful art. Very, very nice!

  17. I looooove how you used the full page for this. Perfect timing for effect. The textures of your art are always so wonderful also, I love the continuity.

    Glad to see the regular updates are back. Hope this means you’re feeling better!

  18. That’s what is known as making a grand entrance !
    -So happy you’re up and rolling again.

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