Page 294

0 thoughts on “Page 294

  1. Huzzah! Finally! I mean…Yeah. Finally. Hah. These are good things.

    Hooray for comics!

  2. It’s back, hooray! Luckily for RSS readers like me, I found out immediately. I hope you didn’t lose too many other readers as a result.

  3. So glad to see you back, and good to hear the illness is behind you!

  4. So, where´s Lethe?
    …and YAY, Updates! 🙂

  5. Do top-mages like Danil sport different signs dependend on the type of executed magic (fire, earth, air, water…) ?

  6. I think it’s the first time I comment here, I had been reading the comic for a few months before the hiatus. I’ll make my standard answer to webcomic artists who apologize for schedule slips or holds: You owe us nothing, you only have duties to yourself and the story you set yourself to unfold as best as you can. On this respect, we are less important, and less real in a way, than the characters of your story.

    This being said, I’m glad you’re back to work, because I love your work. But more importantly, even though I don’t know you personally, I’m glad you got better from your ailments.

  7. Yay! Glad you’re feeling better. That’s a rough set of things, sounds like and it’s good to hear that you’re through it.

  8. I literally sobbed when I saw this update. Not only are you more or less back from the brink of death, but your amazing drawing and attention to color hasn’t diminished a bit! I’m so happy you’re safe and back to updating!!

  9. What. It’s a new page! 😀

    Wait, I should probably read it before I comment, but to heck with that nonsense.

  10. I am very glad to see that you are feeling better. The new page is awesome, very clearly Fire and Earth.

    On a different front; I don’t remember becoming Mormon** .
    **Mormons are sometimes colloqially known as “Saints”, as in Church of the Latter Day Saints. Yeah I know, bad pun 😉 But don’t let that keep you away 😉

  11. *Checks webpage* *a picture starts to load* *Squeals with delight* …. YAY!…. goes off to actually read page.

  12. Weeeee! Updaaaaate 😀 😀 😀 😀 ~^.^~

  13. Way to start the updates again … 😀

    Welcome back to the world of living, may your stay be long and joyful!

  14. I’m glad that you’re better now! c:
    Also this page is just so gorgeous I had to look at it like 20 times already.

  15. Glad you’re back and feeling okay!

    Can’t wait to see where this chapter is going and can’t wait to see your new project!

  16. Welcome ‘home!’
    Also, Renshou’s hand in that (fourth?) panel. Freaking beautiful.

  17. And what an impressive looking page to come back on! Glad you’re feeling better, and I look forward to the updates.

  18. Wow, that must have been about two months of feeling really miserable.
    Since you are a Scottish samurai / pirate I was quite confident you would overcome this adversity. I’m still very glad that you are feeling better now.
    And also that RMR will continue. 😉

    ps: Especially on this page, all this elemental magic reminds me of Avatar.

  19. Yay! So very, very glad you’re feeling better!! You definitely had us worried for a while there. 😉



    1. …with a proper mage-fight. YESS!!

  21. The inking on their hair on the first panel is fantastic.
    (And glad you’re feeling better!)

  22. Welcome back!

    *cough* I am excited if you can’t tell.

  23. ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
    Finally! Thanks! THANKS! THAAAAANKS!!!

  24. Huzzah! *jumps for joy*

    Glad to see you’re back. The page is beautiful, as usual. The feel of the backgrounds and expressions of the characters are spot on with pre-hiatus pages, so I don’t believe you’ve lost much if at all during your healing. Here’s to your good health, m’lady.

  25. Welcome back!

  26. I’m so glad you are back! 🙂 Wonderful page! 🙂

  27. Just make sure you get better, okay. And can’t wait for the next update.

  28. Hooray for sickness finally releasing you from its deathmaw! Welcome back.

  29. Hey! Nice to see that you’re back on track, I was really worried as it took you a long time to recover.

    Anyway, congratulations on your recovery, and thanks for the good news!

  30. This page was so beautiful. I really like how Danil’s earth attack magic thing climbed up the side of the page.

  31. I don’t usually comment much here, but I am an avid reader and have been for some time… and I just wanted to say that I’m so happy to hear that you are feeling much better What a gorgeous page to ring in your return – I love the facial expressions in this one. ^_^

  32. Beautifull update as allways.

    I predict Danil will pull a dissapearing act.
    I don’t think he wants any more deaths, and his job is complete anyway.

  33. I hate to say it but mage fights are cooler than face punches.

    also, I was debating figuring out where you lived so i could come with my epic soup and bread recopies and nurse you back to health.

    but you’re better now! so i don’t need to go all stalker… >_>

    I’m glad you’re back. this is one of the few comics that i check daily. (yes i’m aware it doesn’t update daily, now shush)

  34. Lovely update–the facial expressions are so emotive! And I am so glad to hear that you are (at least mostly) better! I just want to reiterate what I know many of your other commenters have said–while we love reading Red Moon Rising, it’s so much more important that you take care of yourself, because your health is what’s really important. And a hiatus gives us all a chance to reread the story from the beginning and enjoy the development! Also, I am so glad to see that publishing is in the future; I think that this is one of the more beautifully drawn web comics, and it will be amazing in print!

  35. This is my second time looking at this particular page! It’s just so beautifully intense! 😀

  36. Thrilled 😀

  37. Um…Hi there!

    I’ve been reading RMR for ages but it’s the first time I’m commenting (hehe).
    Just wanted to let you know that it is GREAT to see you drawing again (I squeed aloud at the new update and got weird looks from everyone at work).
    Hope you feel much better now and please don’t be afraid to get some more rest if you’re not fully recovered. We’d much rather have you get better than make yourself sick again by working too hard.
    Having said that, I shall now go back to squeeing.

  38. Wonderful! I’m so happy for you. (Just like everybody else.) As a bonus, the response to the hiatus has restored my faith in the humanity of the internet. Lovely page, by the way and I will enjoy having RMR a regular part of my week again.

  39. Awwwwwww yissss! 😀 Glad to have you back Rose! n___n

  40. Really glad you’re feeling well enough to continue. Hope you have a swift and full recovery. Awesome page.

  41. When is your new updating day?

    1. Today! Bear with me, it’s a-coming.

      1. Thank you for responding,your such a sweetheart(no awkwardness I hope)

        Iv been checking everyday and I was afraid you had a relaps,but my little bro was almost overcome with grief when he saw that you arent posting

        1. I actually ment to say “you are such a sweetheart”..mxm texting language can be very crippling

      2. my little bro is so totally hooked on RMR ever since I introduced him,its almost irritating:D

  42. Hi ho hi ho it’s off to NUKE we go hi ho hi ho.

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