Page 294

0 thoughts on “Page 294

  1. Huzzah! Finally! I mean…Yeah. Finally. Hah. These are good things.

    Hooray for comics!

  2. It’s back, hooray! Luckily for RSS readers like me, I found out immediately. I hope you didn’t lose too many other readers as a result.

  3. So glad to see you back, and good to hear the illness is behind you!

  4. So, where´s Lethe?
    …and YAY, Updates! 🙂

  5. Do top-mages like Danil sport different signs dependend on the type of executed magic (fire, earth, air, water…) ?

  6. I think it’s the first time I comment here, I had been reading the comic for a few months before the hiatus. I’ll make my standard answer to webcomic artists who apologize for schedule slips or holds: You owe us nothing, you only have duties to yourself and the story you set yourself to unfold as best as you can. On this respect, we are less important, and less real in a way, than the characters of your story.

    This being said, I’m glad you’re back to work, because I love your work. But more importantly, even though I don’t know you personally, I’m glad you got better from your ailments.

  7. Yay! Glad you’re feeling better. That’s a rough set of things, sounds like and it’s good to hear that you’re through it.

  8. I literally sobbed when I saw this update. Not only are you more or less back from the brink of death, but your amazing drawing and attention to color hasn’t diminished a bit! I’m so happy you’re safe and back to updating!!

  9. What. It’s a new page! 😀

    Wait, I should probably read it before I comment, but to heck with that nonsense.

  10. I am very glad to see that you are feeling better. The new page is awesome, very clearly Fire and Earth.

    On a different front; I don’t remember becoming Mormon** .
    **Mormons are sometimes colloqially known as “Saints”, as in Church of the Latter Day Saints. Yeah I know, bad pun 😉 But don’t let that keep you away 😉

  11. *Checks webpage* *a picture starts to load* *Squeals with delight* …. YAY!…. goes off to actually read page.

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