But wait. You want me to drive my newly repaired ship into the middle of . . . to retrieve the body of a . . . who nearly started a war? So bring the casket to the dock. Preferably without attracting attention. Then we leave, eh? With all due haste?
I am so glad to see these pages. Breathe deeply and slowly and keep sharing the stunning artwork and sharp dialog.
0 thoughts on “Page 36”
Gosh, the light in this is gorgeous!
Amy V.
Fabulous art in this one (Great harsh shadows on her especially) and such a poignant moment! (Samara is just so darn cool!)
If the crystal was on his body, then it would normally have been at least copied if not taken obviously.
Let’s have a moment of silence for our favorite officer who recently kicked the bucket. We’ll miss you, Danil. ;_;
So the colonel really is dead. That’s sad, I hoped the wound was non-lethal… *sadface*
But wait. You want me to drive my newly repaired ship into the middle of . . . to retrieve the body of a . . . who nearly started a war? So bring the casket to the dock. Preferably without attracting attention. Then we leave, eh? With all due haste?
I am so glad to see these pages. Breathe deeply and slowly and keep sharing the stunning artwork and sharp dialog.
We can’t do that because that would be *reasonable.* This is not a story about reasonable people.
Fruit Infiniti
I’m just gonna say this again, your art style is crazy awesome.