Well, my laptop done broke again, which was more of a problem than I realised at the time since I needed the photoshop file for page 190 to get the photo of Renshou for this page, which, as it turns out, was still on my laptop. Whooooooo.
A bunch of things! Firstly there’s a new vote incentive which is a quick painting of Lethe since I’m trying to get back into the way of painting stuff and I got some sweeeet new brushes. Secondly! The Comic Creators Alliance is happening again this year. For those of you that missed it last year, it’s an initiative headed up by Lora Innes where webcomic creators donate a small piece of art to be compiled into a wallpaper that’s then available for download through donation, with the money going to various good causes. If you’re a webcomic creator you should check it out, and I’ll be letting you know when the wallpaper is available! Thirdly! I rearranged the sidebars on the site a bit so everything should load a bit quicker. I also added a twitter and formspring widget on the bottom left there because some people had been asking for them for whatever reason. I usually make comic-related announcements on twitter, so if the page is spectacularly late you can probably find out what kind of bus ran me over by checking my twitter feed. Formspring is for asking me stupid (or occasionally non-stupid) questions, so if you want to find out something about the comic or whatever, have at. Also, I did up the archive page a bit, so if it looks dumb or broken please let me know.