Lights on. And a somewhat familiar face.
Tired of this page, I’m almost embarrassed about how long it took to draw. Something ridiculous like nearly three times as long as usual. Pffft. Pfffffft!
Lights out.
An actual page update this week! Having said that, I was actually really touched by how positive the response was to the music I posted last week, as I had honestly just assumed no one would be that fussed. I have a whole bunch of the stuff as well, so after receiving some very nice advice from Juno of
Star Cross’d Destiny, I’ve decided to start work on putting it together as a roughly 40 minute long album which I’m hoping to post for sale within the next month. In the meantime, here’s another piece. I think this is going to be the first track, I always kind of thought of it as the main theme for the comic. [soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=ff5500&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_artwork=true” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]
Bang! And the dirt is gone!
Drawing these two is pretty fun, especially with some mad floor level lighting. Also, airship innards and gubbins and such. A surprising amount of research went into this page! Elsewhere, I did some filler art for The Zombie Hunters this week, so feel free to go check that out. And finally, it was my birthday on Sunday (hooray) and I got an amazing cake. It’s all coming up Rose!
A couple of new faces, the Commander and the Envoy.
New characters! I had a bunch of fun designing these guys, I’ll be posting up some related concept art on my
tumblr shortly. Also new vote incentive, provided by awesome commenter Ink. It’s the final panel of page 19 with some… alternate dialogue. I feel like in some alternate universe Ezius would absolutely be an obnoxious salesman. What would you do for a klondike bar?
Back to this old chugger. When we last saw it, it was a bit on fire.
Another long delay, sorry about that. It was mostly due to me not wanting to wreck my hand again, but also the fact that this was a big, challenging spread to paint. I don’t think I realised how long it was going to take when I started, but it’s done now and I guess that’s the main thing! Hope you guys like it.