Oh, those guards. They just love to do that.

Wow, sorry for the mega-late update. I don’t think I’ve done a Tuesday update in a while. Anyway, it was not for lack of trying, this page ate up all of my free time from last Wednesday through to right this second. So many redrawn figures. So much discarded inking. At some points I was just like… how do faces work again? What is colour? It was a bit mad. I guess I’m still a little rusty.

Anyway, that is actually the end of the chapter. I need a day off, so no update this Friday, but we’ll be back to it next week.

In other news,
Poor Wayfaring Strangers is still kickstarting! For anyone who missed it last week, it’s a wild west anthology I contributed a story to, and would dearly love to see in print.

At this point we’re closing in on the last third of the campaign, and it’s still looking shy of hitting the funding target. If you’ve ever been on the lookout for a way to support me, or indeed any of the other fantastic webcomickers and artists involved in this, please consider chipping in to get yourself a copy. It would mean a hell of a lot to me, and the book simply won’t happen if we don’t have your support.

…aaand we’re back! Along with a certain character.
Sorry for the extended delay in updates, I wasn’t expecting to be on hiatus for anywhere near as long as it turned out. Unfortunately I lucked into yet another chest infection in January, and there was some fun flooding issues in my flat that I’m not even going to get started on. Anyway, I wasn’t sitting on my hands this entire time…
Check it out! I’m in an anthology! I wrote and painted a short story about tumbleweed and ~revenge~ for the Poor Wayfaring Strangers anthology, a collection of wild west/fantasy themed comic stories, all headed up by Erin Mehlos of the fantastic Next Town Over. I’m very flattered to be included with a bunch of other extremely talented artists and writers on this, so if you’d like to read the book, please consider chipping in over at the Kickstarter! Really hoping to see this in print, but we gotta hit that goal. In the meantime there’s a small snippet of my anthology story up as the new vote incentive – I know, a new vote incentive! Will wonders never cease? As ever, thanks everyone for reading. 🙂
In retrospect I should have filled this page full of pumpkins. Happy Halloween~
So my friend Amy just launched a new webcomic,
Harlowe Vanished! The first five pages are up and it already looks atmospheric and charming, so I encourage you to check it out!